....Here we go....

Reading your posts has left me with one overbearingly powerful question: What the Hell are you talking about? I hear about 12 different conspiracy theories in there mixed with some very hollywood ideas, not to mention a headache from dealing with your grammatical errors.

Fifth Grade English aside, you have said several things that have grabbed my attention. Rather than spam quote I will select only the comments I am addressing.
F.E.M.A, NWO, United States dictatorship, Martial Law.

All of these things are now all the buzz, and for someone like me there irritating as hell. ( I hope that is OK to use) Look I need to know if any of these conspiracies are true, have any truth to them, or are the Christians making a ever daring move to take rule in the state's.
What? Seven words and three commas do not constitute a question. What are you asking?
Secondly what are you talking about Christians Ruling in the states? What makes you think Christians are assuming power in our government? If you mean that the politicians profess to be of the Christian religion keep in mind A) that does not mean they are closely tied to their church B) The term "Christian" is so broad it is impossible to tie them all together. Generally the word is in reference to both Catholics and Protestants, each of which have numerout break downs and differences in doctrine.

Finally I will say that having watched public affairs for quite a while I see no move by Christians to take over the government. Except maybe Jesse Jackson and his successor.
I have study a lot of things so far, from elf tower's promoting mk ultra to various user's, to concentration camp's in our own back yard's. Wtf is going on here in America has greed really taking hold of every power crazy person that the logical person doesen't have a chance?
Apathy leads to indifference, which the greedy can exploit. End of story.
The masses follow of the four branches of the government with no fault's to give and never once took the second to stop and listen.These stories are to much to look away from to the point I can crap my pant's from reading cause its damning.
Four branches of government? Last I looked we only had three, and they have a hard enough time getting it right. There is the Judicial Branch which consists of the Supreme Court (which by the way makes rulings on Constitutional Cases) and the lower courts, the Legislative Branch which writes the laws in accordance with the Constitution and conducts Oversight hearings on the activities of the final branch, The Executive branch. The Executive Branch makes the decisions on how to operate the country whilst minding the rules of the Legislative and Judicial branches.

I would hardly say that the masses blindly follow our government. There are public outcries on things from time to time. Your own FEMA being one, Governor Blagojevich being another, and not to bring in ANOTHER conspiracy, how about Nixon? The people do at times question their government and that is their right as US Citizens. I would argue the rest of the time the people are either apathetic to what goes on or are in relative agreement and thus have nothing to argue about.

Martial Law in America from America troops and foreign troops to the average this is up surd to even swallow and believe so they turn away, but for someone like me who has been harassed by Police states and so on, I can't turn away and since I been awaken to this I have been asking more questions (that has nothing to do with this kind of topic but a bit more advance).
I am not going to ask what police state harassed you, but I would bet it had nothing to do with them seeking to control the populace for political gain. The day of the Praetorian has come and gone.
I deserve to know wtf is my country is doing and if they are going to cause us (the people and fighters of the people) a problem and hell and death, what side should I be on and what should I do and first step.
I would say that if you are on the patriotic side, you play by the rules of the country you seek to protect. Should you violate those very rules you nullify what you seek to protect and in fact are responsible for its destruction.

The bill was lifted that restricted American troops to police the streets (as in the movie the siege but hasn't happen) so you mind telling me about that
What? Posse Comitatus has not been lifted in any way...

but until further notice this is the hell we know as earth
Because we have it so bad and life is so rough that it is hell. Sorry buddy, I disagree with you. Go somewhere where life really sucks and live with those people for a while and maybe you will realize this "hell" has streets of gold and endless fruit trees.

Oct 1, Martial law was declared (in Texas I heard only) at the same time the day's before their was a list that went out,

last one doesn't matter
Thats funny. I would have thought someone somewhere would have heard something, anything about that. Give me some proof that is not youtube or a blog.
Psi-oping how offended they got as if I'm not going to ride out for my country comes time for me to die, I'm USA bound and raised, I hate everyone and kill for the sake of killing when need be don' test my character I'm asking has our country became such idiots that this kinda of rumor could surface and become a real life problem
What? I understand the middle and that is a problem with me. You hate everyone and kill for the sake of killing eh? First, you made that statement in reply to a senior forum member, one who is well respected. If that was directed at him you are so far out of line my blood is boiling. If you did not direct that at him and just were careless with your wording, fine but be careful who you dare not to test your character.
Secondly who the hell do you think you are, Riddick? Killing for the sake of killing? You think you enjoy combat and bloodshed? Awesome, have fun. But you sound a lot less of a concerned patriot and a lot more like deranged psychotic looking for a reason to incite violence at home. Dont think that you are the only patriotic person or that you are the only one intelligent enough to raise questions about your government.

My suggestion is this. Watch less Youtube, read fewer blogs, quit watching movies like The Siege and Deja Vu. You want to find a conspiracy in your government? Get involved. Watch political happenings. Go to a dinner and sit down with your State Senator or Representative and get to know them and their stances. Look around. You cant see what going on behind closed doors, or open the door and step inside.

I have to cut this short because I have to get back to work. I will check this later and would like to meet you in the chat room at some point.
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The bill was lifted that restricted American troops to police the streets (as in the movie the siege but hasn't happen) so you mind telling me about that
As was said above, Posse Comitatus has not been lifted, if you are referring to Katrina (the only time I can recall in recent years armed American soldiers patrolling the streets of an American city) those were members of the Louisiana and Mississippi National Guard serving in their role as the State's militia, not federalized troops. Posse Comitatus does not apply to the National Guard (unless they are federalized by the President) and allows Guardsman to assist in the event of a local, state or federal emergency.

As for FEMA, well some people would say that 9/11 was a Federal Emergency that required an organized, central Management Agency to oversee the evacuation of lower Manhattan with the authority and resources to pull it off and others would say that Katrina and the situation in New Orleans only furthered to highlight this importance. FEMA is included under DHS because all disasters, natural and manmade, require organized responses to minimize damage and loss of life and FEMA is that organization in this case.

New World Order - I remember watching a show on the history channel where the "expert" being interviewed claimed that within five years every person on the planet would be living under a global Nazi government. That interview was from 2001, so we can stop worrying about that one as well.

The only issue where you kind of have a tiny bit of traction in your argument is the US dictatorship idea, but I think compared to the likes of say Roman, Mongolian and British Empires the reigns of the United States rest lightly on the governments of the world are pretty light, at times its as if the horses were completely free to do as they will. Ask any political science professor, they'll tell you that it's not the United States military that makes this country the most powerful in the world, it's our economic and scientific might, of which our military power is a product, that gives our country so much power over others.

And what was the last point, ah yes, martial law, again this goes to Katrina, but I think it's acceptable when people are shooting at our police officers and soldiers, especially when a mandatory evecuation was ordered because all of the major services that municipal governments usually provide were gone. But I heard from a neighbor (A US Marshall who went down to Katrina for six weeks to help restore order, so one of the oppressors too) that the French Quarter was hopping because all those Guardsmen, police officers, US Marshalls and PMC's were making huge bucks while down there, combat pay, overtime, separation pay, those guys were partying like it was Mardi Gras every night of the week, or so I'm told.

And on MK-Ultra, all I can do here is quote the late, great Rick James, "Cocaine's a hell of a drug." If you're really worried about LSD and hypnosis causing mind control I suggest you go out and find some LSD and give it a try, you probably won't end up as a member of some secret CIA project from the 50's, but you'll have one hell of a ride.
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You see this is why I ask and not make a sound judgment and run with it I asked you gave me an answer now I can move on.One day if this does happen we all will have I told you so, Damn! I really didn't see that coming, ha ha ha ha we got them. Either way I asked and I came to you asking then running around like a chicken with his head cut off, while talking with you id did more research and although what I said has a interesting point with it, it has no truth (or that we know that, have come to light) I thank you none the less and after all of this my brain is fried.

Also thank you all for what your doing, when we should be thanking you and remembering all that was lost, we worry about Paris going to jail, or when you go through a BDD we study these things like I posted.

I know I seem a little unknowing of a lot of things, but hell man I never study this stuff before, and I find it strange that some wanna bash me (even though I get caught up) but nvm that.

Also dude listen either way i know what your saying but is the NG a Military branch and isn't against the law none the less meh hell with it. I'm to uniformed right now to deal with this but I will do my research of both sides.

Like I said I asked blew up, even offended a guy so I know in some aspect I did my job and I'm either on the right path, or close to get my ass kicked by a pissed off soldier.

I don't know what to say about it but hell it could be worse I could be walking down the street with smile telling American people the have weapons of mass destruction my dad could kick with my countries worst enemy, having people from two different countries kill one another all for the sake of what....Oli, Money etc.

I could be saying that but thank God I'm not whoa.....no wait but wasn't there a guy who was and played dodge the shoes

To U.S. Soldiers as a civilian I have no idea if this means a damn thing to you, and some may call me a pussy as well for saying this.

But I want you all Home there is fricken need for you to be over there of all places we know 9/11 was a terrorist act and so many countries are asking questions and I know out of all this non-sense that I posted that one things is for sure, You all are in a game that others wanted and got the american people to fall for and you can't tell me other wise, You should be here at a fricken BBQ drinking, (for some of you probly have a few fights) kissing your mom's and so on.

I looking to make a change I said it before I won't say agian, but either way I amm sorry but I don't what I can to make things right and I know taking roads like this isn't a pretty road, cause if it is true none the less since this is a internatial forum I'm dead either way so hel why not have some fun you know

I'm out

You managed to post a reply that almost entirely neglected the responses given to you. I dont know if we are on vastly different wave lengths or what but I have the hardest time figuring out what you are talking about...

And if you are referring to me about the offended and the ass kicking, not correct on either count. I wont get offended by an anonymous poster on a forum simply expressing his thoughts. If I sounded hostile, I apologize. I will call bull poop if I smell it and I will more than likely be blunt about it. Oh and I dont beat up people because they believe something I dont. That goes into the whole violation of what I protect thing...
I will get hostile if you make threats, veiled or otherwise, towards the posters in this forum. Like I said I dont know if you meant it to sound like a threat or if you simply didnt realize, either way it tasted bad to me.

Amen to the BBQ, sounds good to me. But keep in mind the War on Terror spans more than just Iraq. Some people forget about Afghanistan, but for some soldiers that is where the war is, and I assure you we are not there for anything they have to offer.

How about a drink?:drunkb:
You managed to post a reply that almost entirely neglected the responses given to you. I dont know if we are on vastly different wave lengths or what but I have the hardest time figuring out what you are talking about...

And if you are referring to me about the offended and the ass kicking, not correct on either count. I wont get offended by an anonymous poster on a forum simply expressing his thoughts. If I sounded hostile, I apologize. I will call bull poop if I smell it and I will more than likely be blunt about it. Oh and I dont beat up people because they believe something I dont. That goes into the whole violation of what I protect thing...
I will get hostile if you make threats, veiled or otherwise, towards the posters in this forum. Like I said I dont know if you meant it to sound like a threat or if you simply didnt realize, either way it tasted bad to me.

Amen to the BBQ, sounds good to me. But keep in mind the War on Terror spans more than just Iraq. Some people forget about Afghanistan, but for some soldiers that is where the war is, and I assure you we are not there for anything they have to offer.

How about a drink?:drunkb:

I am resting on that. I know for a fact the soldier's aren't looking for anything I never was speaking on them. The soldier are only doing what the general public asked of their military when told there are weapons of mass destruction floating around and we forgot our power to bring you all back here. Some how that got lost in translation on some Hollywood shoot-out or something jeez look at us we forgot what we had for nothing but waste.

I am aware there is a war on terror everywhere that is noticeable for that fact that everyone is pissed at one group of people,power house families and so on who all got mixed in and called an elite I guess.I read the marines story on how he and is squad found a Philippine guerrilla camp in a open area. I am aware of these things but I am a neutral party (meaning I haven't found my battle other then do what little I can to make things right) I can understand them I also can under stand the soldiers who go and stop these actions from being carried out.

As for my United states Government if your fighting right now you know how I feel the people you love/Hate but you fight anyway, renegade is a title I would want to use cause getting pissed on in a underground prison isn't my type of scene.Now a fighter I am for what I have no idea this **** just come's to me like a bad habit and I pick it and run and see where I get.

As for you,no your not the person I'm speaking on its the soldier with the sky blue avatar and navel deal on the front.

Also my statement to the Christians are as follows

As of right now the Christians and Zeitgeist are at the main branch of these stories I haven't heard more "more this will happen cause you haven't shown your love to god" crap then when I said I was going through some small issues and a group of converter's went into a bible study at a i-hop convention.

At the bricken point of all of this it stand as follows if were to happen it goes like this

1)This is a Omega Agency vs CIA/NSA war for global domination

2)This is an Man made world of rumors and man made thoughts implanted since youth

3)Christians fighting damn hard to find out who the Masons are and going to extreme's to find it

4) You all know the alien scheme I'm 50/50 on this, also add the milacamps at that

5) Anti-Mason vs Free-Masons

6) A global war for each countries original secrecy and order back to them and them alone no answering to anyone

in nut shell all these rumors come from this kind of back ground

if anything I'm just happy I asked cause if any of its true lmao at least I know i can die knowing I did something if I'm wrong we'll there is an army saying about hell as there is with the Marines sooooo I guess I'll cross astral plains and start over their lol
I did my best to read this whole thread... I would recommend that if you truly want to know the facts, perhaps you should research a little more. The members of this forum will be happy (mostly) to give you their opinions.

Perhaps there is a language barrier, but in reading most of your posts, it seemed you were criticizing this country that I not only believe in, but am willing to die for. If my country is hell to you, then why are you here?

I am not saying that the US is perfect in every way, but it is MY slice of heaven. It is the land that my daughter serves, I serve, my grandfather served, etc... all the way back to the Revolutionary War when my great, great, great grandfather was injured by a Red Coat with a baonett!

There are always rumors and those who want to spout conspiracy and spread their fears around.

I hope this helps, but honestly, I really don't get what you have been trying to communicate.
There will always be conspiracy theories, theories such as the New World Order, Princess Diana was murdered by MI5/MI6 and the CIA, that the European Community is a test bed for the New World Order and that the Prince of Wales was Jack the Ripper.

Its human nature, people are always going to think that big brother and 1984 has basis on fact. Maybe, maybe not.

One thing that does make many people nervous, is a government that enacts restrictive firearm laws. A government that does not trust its people with firearms, are not themselves to be trusted.
One thing that does make many people nervous, is a government that enacts restrictive firearm laws. A government that does not trust its people with firearms, are not themselves to be trusted.

Agreed! Though I must sympathize our government since there has been too many firearm incidents lately...