Help! My boss asked me to find a short quote summarizing...



the concept of "divide and conquer". He suggested that I try Sun Tzu or Clausewitz. I've found a few things, but he wants something short and concise. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Brenda

My children came up with this concept when dealing with there mother and myself
Ill see what i can dig up in my free time Brenda, until then Id check out both the Sun Tzu and Clauswitz sections of this site, which can be found on the navigation bar.
Julius Caesar

I believe Julius Caesar was the greatest practitionerof Divide & Conquer (the Gallic Wars is a good example). However I have not been able to find an exact quote by him explaining the tactic or anything of the like. Maybe try a deeper more extensive search about Julius Caesar and see if you can find anything.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, good luck.
How about more of a business genre such as:

Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do their bounds divide.
- :idea: John Dryden
That was Julius Caesar, guys. He would say: " divide et impera ", or divide and rule ( not conquer ).
Some historians report it as "divide ut impera", which is " divide to rule", but the former seems to be the real one. Hope i ve been helpful.