HELP: Best waterproof poncho


New Member

I have small but serious problem. I bought myself a poncho/emergency tent from local store and tadaaa .. it was not very good with rain. Now i am looking for one in internet shops. But choosing is difficult with no experience on materials etc.

Can You PLEASE help me and suggest a good poncho/emergency tent from internet. Main things are that it HAS TO BE LIGHTWEIGHT, CAMO AND MOST OF ALL WATERPROOF.

I have 2 in my mind, maby you can share some personal experiences on those too:

BIG thank you as this is quite important to me
I've had great success with the regular issue US army ones. If you buy 2 of them and snap them together, you get a decent sized hootch. You can aid the water proofing by coating the poncho with camp dry. Cammo bungee cords are a must. If you have 8 of them, you can set up camp almost anywhere.

Happy hootching