Guy Fawkes Day


Active member
At one time Guy Fawkes used to be remembered with fireworks on 5th November but now it seems to go on for a month or more. The Fireworks have increased in size that they shake your windows, well as you know this chap tryed to blow up the Houses Of Parliament, and remove the King and the rest of the ruling chamber. Again the reason for this was religious rather than any other disaffection with the policies of the government. Now in the area were I live there are bonfire societies that have competitions between the different towns and villages and these things are huge where 20,000 people will turn out with flaming torches and march through the towns so the whole place looks like rivers of fire. At the end of this the normally burn a effigy of the Pope who ordered that all protestants should be burnt at the stake and Bloody Mary was only to happy to comply and set up stakes all down the main roads of some of these towns and having so many people to burn she had five or six people to be tied to each stake.
I will see if I can get any picture for you later on ......
The Guy Fawkes festivity is on of the first things you get to study when you take English at Primary or Junior High school overhere.