Greece says not seeking new way out of crisis (Reuters)

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Reuters - Greece sought to play down reports on Friday that it was considering a solution to its debt crisis involving bigger losses for its banking creditors, while a fresh round of strikes gripped the country in protest against new austerity measures.

This is also happening in America, we are told that this country will begin defaulting on its enormous public debt obligations unless the current ceiling is raised. This problem can be related to America’s economy is at near-recession levels, with slow growth prospects and enormous unemployment. Another thing is that America has been fighting two wars in distant places for an incredibly long time — Afghanistan since October 2001 and Iraq since March 2003. These are only one of the few reasons why there are debt crisis here. I even read in some articles that no matter how the debt ceiling crisis is resolved, it appears the United States is headed toward a titanic and historic battle in the 2012 presidential elections. Another news I read that has something to do with personal finance is about Bank of America's billing its customers a fee to use debit cards. Please allow me to share it here, Bank of America was slammed by President Obama earlier this week in an interview with George Stephanopoulos. The president belittled the lending giant for billing its customers a fee to use debit cards. "You don’t have some inherent right to get a certain amount of profit," the president said. "You have to treat (customers) fairly and transparently.” His sentiment was echoed in the actions of thousands of disgruntled Americans, who are changing to credit unions in record quantities. Article resource: As banking fees rise, more and more Americans turn to credit unions. But the good thing is that Americans have a great fighting spirit and a better future is still theirs to create.
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