The Great Raid - Movie


Active member
What is this movie based on? The trailor says that 500 American POW's are rescued and it keeps refering to this as the greatest rescue mission in history, but where does this take place? And why only 500? At first I thought this was about the rescue of 2,000 American POW's at Los Banos the day before they were supposed to be executed but now I am really confused. If this is about Los Banos why did Hollywood scale it down to 500? This just doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me, can someone maybe explain to me what this is about or give me a link to work with?
It was pretty good and had some of the POWs giving some information as well as soldiers. I heard one of the Rangers say that a prisoner asked what kind of soldier he was. When he answered that he was a Ranger, the guy said "I've never seen an American uniform like that." When they were taken prisoner the US still had the old "doughboy" helmets and leggings.