Government Corruption in Canada!


Active member
The Liberal Party of Canada is currently involved in a massive scandal. The current PM Paul Martin is also involved and could lose his PM job because of this. What does the international community think of Canada's situation?

P.S. Canada is a English/French speaking country north of the United States.
let me put it this way, no one would've known unless you said something.
i wouldn't worry about it, things blow over, just look at watergate.
There is no government that ever existed that did not become corrupt. The good thing about Democracy: You have a media that will actually report corruption when they find out about it and confirm it.
You guys are all right in these respects:

1) the rest of the world would not have known of this hadn't you made this thread.

2) every government is more or less corrupt.

3) the media will report it and expose it.

That's more than enough to hope for.

Kudo to the medias' exposure. sometimes medias are friends and sometimes just plain opposite, double edge sword.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said a country should have a revolution every ten years and over start with a new Government.