Got bored so I cleaned the safe.

actually i would like probably just afew(and i couldent afford more anyways)....Mauser K98 defintly, M1 Carabine as well, and a few others. But that is a beautiful collection. I never actually fired a bolt action rifle...:(
Bolts are fun, I like the new stuff but sometimes just actually working the actions seems so much more fun. Also when you become good with a bolt, you can get a high accurate rate of fire.
Well, if my Cuban brothers decide to invade my new homland they will face a very angry Cuban. ME! I will tell them over the bull horn that if they switch sides and fight against their communist overlords that I will consider them to be allies. But if they do not swtich sides nor surrender then I will send everyone of their pagan communist souls to Satan himself.
I'm going to build something like that when I get my own house. I'm moving like every year or so right now (except right now becuase I'm in the Marines) but once I get my own home I'll have my Alaskan militia armory up and running hahaha
I'm not gonna bother fortifying my house, it's simply not built for fighting. If the SHTF, my best defense will be the wilderness and woodland surrounding my house, where it would be possible to stage many, many ambushes without getting surrounded or caught.
Never said my house was for SHTF. It's more for Hurricane Cat 5 or guy breaks in and steals TV instead of my guns and gear.

SHTF I bug out and start fighting and doing hit and run attacks.
yeah, when people are saying that, it never means anything good, and yeah, that little fortress of yours does sound like a hurricane would have some trouble with it.
Weakest part is the roof. If that goes everything goes. It's mostly to keep folks from stealing what I consider important. But works as a great safe room during a Hurricane. And if a Cat 5 came through, I wouldn't be there anyways. I'd be working at the station.
Did you build them (the ARs) yourself or just ordered complete rifles? Are they RRA, BM, Oly, Colt, etc?
Well, one if an off the self Colt that I got for a steal. The rest are frakinrifles. But I invested a lot of money in terms of extra gear like optics and stocks. Those are just four of my ARs pictured. I have another three.