Good Old Russia, They Will Never Change


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Russian car wreck is case study in privilege

Jailing of driver whose car was hit from behind sparks protests

BIISK, Russia - The imprisonment of a man who was involved in a traffic accident that killed one of Russia's best-known politicians triggered protests across the country this weekend, especially among motorists who view the jailing as a chilling failure of the courts to protect average citizens from vengeful authorities.
Outraged supporters of Oleg Shcherbinsky, a railway worker whose car was hit from behind last summer by a speeding car carrying the Altai region's governor, rallied Saturday and Sunday in 22 Russian cities, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok in the Far East. Shcherbinsky was convicted at a closed trial this month and sentenced to four years in a labor colony.
Don't be so quick to raise arms. He may have been being tailgated and slammed on his brakes in which case he would have some culpability in being hit from behind. Without all the evidence only a fool would pass judgement.
Many countries have labour colonies and some countries have labour parties. Hehehe. Sorry couldn't resist. I think it is a grand idea, labour colonies that is, I'm undecided about the labour parties.
Hell, I think US Law Enforcement and Corrections need to bring back Chain Gangs. Hard time should just be that. HARD TIME. Today's criminals have cable TV, three meals a day, free gym, free medical, free dental, free clothing, free newspapers and magazines, and the list goes on.

I've seen in person kids trying to break into prison! It's becaus ethey are homeless and they want a better life.

Every city, county, state, and federal department needs to have a guy like Sheriff Joo Arpaio from Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Arizona USA. He really makes prison what prison should be. This guy takes no crap from folks and dishes them out a punishment for their crime.

As for Oleg Shcherbinsky, he got a bad deal if he didn't cause the accident. And from what I have read, being hit from behind sounds like he didn't start the accident. But that what happens in nations that don't have a just and fair government. Sure it's not the Soviet Union anymore. But ut still isn't the USA. But the samething would more than likely happen in New York City if Hillary Clinton rear ended someone. She's about as bad and the city she lives in is about as communist anyways.
Welcome to the heritage of the USSR.
Something like that happened to me in a Russian influenced little spot called Transdnistria where to parties are caliming to be the legal Autority (the other is Moldova and in fact recognized as such). So the other party started a civil war in 1992 with heavy military support of the Russians which of course never admitted that.
So I was as some sort of "official" on "more Russian" territory that day in summer of 2004 and right after we checked out some sort of Soviet Union style demonstration (where people get payed and fed for that and being carried from spot to spot to do so - always the same faces) a car ran into the rear of the jeep I drove (nobody hurt). The usual thing followed with police and about 2 TV teams etc. Later on the mafia cop explained to me that it was my fault and wanted to keep my driving licence, that fortunately did not work since I had those licence plates saying "CD". A few days later a letter arrived to our main office claiming money for the damage. We all got a good laugh out of that.
The next time one of those cops parked his car in driving direction but on the left side of the road instead on the right as usual. I parked my jeep in front of his car (hood to hood) while I was still on the right (and right) side since I arrived from the opposite direction. That guy got into his car then (I was not even inside my car) started the engine and missed to push the break (no automatic gear box) and ran into the front of my car, fortunately no damage occured. Need to say that there was about a doozen of cops from both conflict parties (I know it sounds weird but that town has two Polices in parallel - because of that conflict). So that mafia cop got out of his car and started blaming me for wrong parking. I told him frankly what I thought of him (that moment I loved my job even more), the other cops heard the conversation and were rolling on the floor laughing.
The fact is that today in Russia and where ever Russians rule and in former Soviet republics only the one with more money and better relations will win, no matter if he is right or not.
So I feel really sorry for that poor guy in Russia. His only way out will be sufficient media attention because then Russia's (il)legal system can not suppress the whole issue.
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