Good news and bad news


Active member
Bad news....My mom had a heart attack Tuesday of last week.
Good news....the ambulance took her to the hospital
Bad news...She's in Arkansas, I'm in Va Beach
Good news...She's going to live
Good news..New apt manager told me everything going to be ok, theres
damage to her heart, but she will live

Good news..her apt manager told me I could call her :)
Bad news, she didn't give me teh number to teh hospital or the name of it.
Good news... theres only so many hospitals in NW Arkansas
Bad news...finding them on the internet is a pain in the ass.
Good news...I found her, and I have a number to her room. Only had to threaten the desk clerk over the phone with legal action if she didn't' give me the number.

Good mom says shes doing better.

And peopel wonder why I don't live in Van Buren County Arkansas.
Personally I prefer civilation.
Glad to know she's going to be okay. Sorry you had to go through all that crap to find that out, though.
Isn't that infuriating? I wish people would learn to just not contact family member until they have concrete details!

Anyway, I'm sure sorry that happened to you and your mom....I hope she recovers quickly, Wolfen. :smile:

Thanks guys.

Jill the only concrete details in NW Arkansas is that the cows might be in the North field later this week eating the fescue. Other than that getting details from those people requires a lawyer (for the ones who know what that is)
I did get the number to her room last night, now if I can get an answer, also it'd be real nice if the dam doctor would call me and officially tell me whats what, but I guess he's waiting to see if I can track his phone number down too.
I did get the number to her room last night, now if I can get an answer, also it'd be real nice if the dam doctor would call me and officially tell me whats what, but I guess he's waiting to see if I can track his phone number down too.
damn i bet that sucks...idk why but it seems this world is just slowly falling apart to amount to next to nothing
My moms apt manager called me today while I was out of the truck, my mom went home. I had to wait until I got hoem to call her. Well I called her, and she sounds liek shes doing betrter, on a lot of meds though, theres onlyh one problem. It sounds liek my mother, but theres somethig missing that is supposed to be there. It sounds liek my mother, but its not my mother, what was her is gone, now theres just a voice. I suppect that I'll be takeing leave befor ethe end of eth year to finalize her.
Sorry about any speling errosr, but I've had a bout 8 beers so far, and I'm gonna get as drunk as I possible can with out Alcohol poisioning.
I'm so sorry, wolfen. I'm glad she's home and better, but sorry that she's not herself. :( I'll keep your family in my prayers.
Bad news....My mom had a heart attack Tuesday of last week.
Good news...She's going to live

Good news... theres only so many hospitals in NW Arkansas
Bad news...finding them on the internet is a pain in the ass.

Good mom says shes doing better.

And peopel wonder why I don't live in Van Buren County Arkansas.
Personally I prefer civilation.
Great! I'm glad she's doing better! I'll have her in my prayers!

Though I'm baffled about Arkansas. I didn't know they even had phone lines yet, but internet? WOW!

I'm gonna get as drunk as I possible can with out Alcohol poisioning.
Really? I didn't know they could legally sell that much beer in one sale. :rambo: