God and Nazis


Active member
My friend and I watched a movie today that confused us, it had Nazis that were praying to Gott (God) to save them. Is this historically accurate? *blinks*
Also, off the topic, but I wanted to save space. Did Germans where camo during WWII?
The SS Also wore camo.

As far as the first question;

As far a the ordinary German soldier (non-Nazis) went, I'd say a good number believed in God, i.e. Christianity.

As far as the true Nazi's went, they believed in something more akin to Nordic Mysticism. Himler the head of the SS was after all a mystic. Hitler believe strongly in the occult and astrology. They encouraged their hard core Nazi followers (SS) to do the same. Even though the German nation was pretty much Christian, shows you what can happen to a country when its leadership is handed to guys like these.

Here are some Hitler Youth song lyrics that show you of what I'm talking about;

_We are the joyous Hitler Youth;
_We have no need for Christian virtue.
_Our leader is our savior;
_The pope and rabbi shall be gone.
_We shall be pagans once again.

The movie you watched, was it Stalingrad by any chance?
gladius said:
The SS Also wore camo.

As far as the first question;

As far a the ordinary German soldier (non-Nazis) went, I'd say a good number believed in God, i.e. Christianity.

As far as the true Nazi's went, they believed in something more akin to Nordic Mysticism. Himler the head of the SS was after all a mystic. Hitler believe strongly in the occult and astrology. They encouraged their hard core Nazi followers (SS) to do the same. Even though the German nation was pretty much Christian, shows you what can happen to a country when its leadership is handed to guys like these.

Here are some Hitler Youth song lyrics that show you of what I'm talking about;

_We are the joyous Hitler Youth;
_We have no need for Christian virtue.
_Our leader is our savior;
_The pope and rabbi shall be gone.
_We shall be pagans once again.

The movie you watched, was it Stalingrad by any chance?

Actually, it was The Bunker which was an awful movie in that it was very innacurate. However you get past that and the Nazis with British accents saying "bloody hell!" and it was okay in my opinion. :lol:
Why is Stalingrad inaccurate also?
Schwul said:
Why is Stalingrad inaccurate also?

No it wasn't inaccurate, rather in my opinion it was simply a lousy movie, "Enemy at the Gates" and "Attack and Retreat" were better.

The reason I ask was because there was a scene in "Stalingrad" were they had soldiers praying to God to comemorate fallen comrades in a funeral service, ect. They were just regular soldiers of the Wermacht mind you not SS, and not die-hard Nazis, most people sometimes can't tell the difference.
Well, Hitler liked white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed CHRISTIANS, (Not born-again christians like myself,) Just to be politically correct he did, so Nazi's praying to God sounds accurate.
gladius said:
Schwul said:
Why is Stalingrad inaccurate also?

No it wasn't inaccurate, rather in my opinion it was simply a lousy movie, "Enemy at the Gates" and "Attack and Retreat" were better.

The reason I ask was because there was a scene in "Stalingrad" were they had soldiers praying to God to comemorate fallen comrades in a funeral service, ect. They were just regular soldiers of the Wermacht mind you not SS, and not die-hard Nazis, most people sometimes can't tell the difference.

I want to see Enemy at the Gates, so bad!
Even the most cinical atheist, when faced with death, prays for whatvever god he knows to save him. Ive heard from very secular Jewes that when they were injured or being shot at, they said every piece of the Bible they could remember.
The reason I ask was because there was a scene in "Stalingrad" were they had soldiers praying to God to comemorate fallen comrades in a funeral service, ect. They were just regular soldiers of the Wermacht mind you not SS, and not die-hard Nazis, most people sometimes can't tell the difference.

Correct. Besides, the German Regular Army and the Shultz Shtaffel didn't cooperate with each other at all.

I want to see Enemy at the Gates, so bad!

The movie twists the facts of the legendary Russian Sniper Vasili Sniper. If your looking for hardhitting war movies like Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates is not the one. Although the beginning sequences of Enemy of the Gates is indeed powerful and awesome, the rest is junk. The unnecessary love story made it really really bad.
The Germans were indeed Christian, but Hitler implemented his own twisted version with himself as "God"...on another note, a book called "To the Death's Head Be True" is very interesting. Disusses the creation of the master race, breeding rituals, etc with the "SS".
The Germans were indeed Christian, but Hitler implemented his own twisted version with himself as "God"...on another note, a book called "To the Death's Head Be True" is very interesting. Disusses the creation of the master race, breeding rituals, etc with the "SS".

Agreed. Hitler called himself a demigod. There are plenty of archives of photos and videos of nazis cult rituals and Hitler at the center of it.
Well, I think that everyone is missing the other side of the coin of what a Nazi is:

The were very conservative and very religious -- to a degree. The whole "thou shalt not kill" doesn't seem to have gotten through, but otherwise they heavily promoted religion and the conservative values that went with that. Women weren't supposed to work and were to stay at home and see to their families. A long list of excesses were discouraged or prohibitted, etc. It was for this reason that the Nazi Party was seen as very appealing -- "restore the Fatherland to its former greatness by returning to proven traditions, values and hard work", would sum up part of how they promoted themselves. At face value, they're message was very appealing. Much like any modern extremist religious sect.
Secrecy said:
I want to see Enemy at the Gates, so bad!

The movie twists the facts of the legendary Russian Sniper Vasili Sniper. If your looking for hardhitting war movies like Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates is not the one. Although the beginning sequences of Enemy of the Gates is indeed powerful and awesome, the rest is junk. The unnecessary love story made it really really bad.

Ugh...I didn't hear about the love story business. I loathe when people do that to a good story... didn't they do that in Pearl Harbor?
Patrick said:
The Germans were indeed Christian, but Hitler implemented his own twisted version with himself as "God"...on another note, a book called "To the Death's Head Be True" is very interesting. Disusses the creation of the master race, breeding rituals, etc with the "SS".

Oh, that does sound nifty! To Amazon.com I go!! :lol: