Germany- mil. service cut to 6 months


Active member
The new elected Government has stated in it's new coalition agreement that the future military service in Germany will only be 6 months (9 month now). It's a compromise between banishing the general service and holding on to it. Now it's supposed to be some kind of a trial course to maintain a base for recruitment. Until now most soldiers are recruited from conscript soldiers.
At least you'll have a fully professional force from now on.
Six months? After all instruction, they'll be going home.
Yeah it's another reason for me to stay in active infantry and not joining the basic training regiments- I imagine the basic training will be cut too so you'll probably have 1 1/2 or 2 months basic, and I would die doing the same stuff sooooo many times - with the current 3 months it's already hard (for me).

Note: this will be effective in about 2 years or so...
Oh alright.
I know a few people who are in the business of training new guys and one thing I really admire about them is patience.