The Germans to the front!


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm a 16 years old German who is interested in history, politics and naturally in nearly all military aspects.
I have done a 5-days troop visit (the german word is "Praktikum", I dont know if you can translate it directly) in a "Feldlazarett-Regiment" (medic stuff) where I had a closer look into the German Army and decided: "Thats the thing I want to do!".
At the moment I am looking forward to another 5-days troop visit, this time in a tank battalion.

In the future I hope I can join the German Army and become an officer after three years full of learning and training. Another option for me would be the Paraguayan Army, because my parents think of moving to this county because of the bad economic situation in Germany.

(And sorry for my bad english)
Willkommen zu den Foren! Heh..I speak german a little. Welcome to the Forums! We also have member of the Military Forums that was in German Army, Joker and Jager.
Welcome to the forum, and have fun posting and reading!

p.s. I am not sure if your parents know Paraguay, but their economy isn't so much better then the German economy :)

To Ted: Sure, the situation is even worse than in Germany. But there you can live much better with much less money :)