Future Warriors

All these electronics are great, but there won't be a revolution in infantry systems until we actually have suits of artificial muscle with composite armor usually found on tanks than can take several direct hits from a .308 without the operator feeling much. Then, and only then, will they be able to say it's like something out of sci-fi.

Until then, you're just going to have to lug around the computer, cameras, and communications equipment without the assistance of mechanical strength augmentation. Sucks to be you, future soldier.
Another potential development is inserting "nanomuscle fibers" that can actually simulate muscles, giving soldiers more strength. Fabric is impregnated with nanomachines that create the same weight, lift and feel as a muscle. "So I coat the outside of the armor with a nanomuscle fiber that gives me 25 to 35 percent better lifting capability," DeGay explained.

The uniform from the waist down will have a robotic-powered system that is connected directly to the soldier. This system could use pistons to actually replicate the lower body, giving the soldier "upwards of about 300 percent greater lifting and load-carriage capability," DeGay said. "We are looking at potentially mounting a weapon directly to the uniform system and now the soldier becomes a walking gun platform."

Skip that part?