Friend's Brother Receives Silver Star

Missileer said:
Who says Reservists aren't Gung Ho? We need a few more like him.

Nobody with any sense does. Certainly not when over half the force in Iraq are reservists. I could list many heroic reservists. Roger Young comes quickly to mind for example.

Congrats to your friend's brother, LT. :D
Very cool. What an honor too, especially considering there's only been 25 silver stars awarded in 2 years of war.
Bump up. Two weeks into his second tour in Iraq, he got hit by a grenade:

He apparently is doing fairly well, he should have landed back Stateside tonight (Friday, 11 AUG) and will be at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, so I'll probably try to visit him at some point. Good grief, this is the guy's second Purple Heart! :shock: Please keep him in your prayers.
I have a lot of respect for anyone in combat. He is in my prayers, though I know he'll get through it. Wonder what he'll think when he hears that internationally, people care about other people.