Forum Statistics

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Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
Will there be a page that lists the statisics of the page? Stuff like...

Daily top posters
Overall top posters
Most viewed threads
Most popular threads

I am sure that there are more stats to post, but I was just wondering.
Will there be a page that lists the statisics of the page? Stuff like...

Daily top posters
Overall top posters
Most viewed threads
Most popular threads

I am sure that there are more stats to post, but I was just wondering.

Yes it will...
Soon.. ;)

I had installed one earlier, but it was full of bugs so I'm looking for a new stats modification now.
yeah on the old forum, there was something like that :)

Oh yeah take your time Redleg, time is all you need, and patience is all we have ;)
lol. Redleg has not updated us in this issue yet. But as I said, "take your time Redleg, time is all you need, and patience is all we have" ;)
Nahhh - three would be a crowd.
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