Forreign Officer training in the US


New Member
I'm currently in the process of acquiring a resident alien permit for the USA. I have served conscription in Norway for 1 year (mobile infantry), and also enlisted for 1 year in Kosovo (KFOR) as a signals specialist in the infantry. Now, a few years later, I'm almost complete with my bachelor of business degree.

If I get the resident alien visa, I want to join up again, as I see that the military was the place for me, and there really is little opportunity for going career in my country of origin.

So, can I enlist for officer training being an alien? I primarily want to join up with the marines.
I dont think non US citizens can enlist into the USA military.

Yes non citizens may enlist in the US armed Forces. As for commissions this question can be better ansewerd by RndrSafe.
As far as I know you can be enlisted soldier and NCO but not an officer if you are not an US citizen.

But there are many officers from other countries even Sweden that go to schools in the US. Almost all our very senior officer have been at an US military school.
Do you have to be an American Citizen by blood in order to recieve a comission in the U.S. Military?
Federal law prohibits non-citizens from serving as officers or warrant officers, so in order to get your commission, you'll have to obtain your citizenship.