Facebook group: soldiers are not heroes

I'd stay right out of it.

It's a total waste of space, populated by people with no intention of listening to anything other than that which suits their needs, plus they seem to be getting a bit of stick for their efforts.
I'd stay right out of it.

It's a total waste of space, populated by people with no intention of listening to anything other than that which suits their needs, plus they seem to be getting a bit of stick for their efforts.

I agree 100% with you and Sevens, Spike!! In fact, I joined the group that's out to get them ousted from Facebook. It just blew my mind that such a thing exists. Has it not yet occurred to those people that if it weren't for soldiers and their service, they wouldn't have the freedom to voice their assinine opinions? I'm not in favor of war either, but in no way does that translate to the men and women who serve!!!
Facebook wall of shame .......

I agree 100% with you and Sevens, Spike!! In fact, I joined the group that's out to get them ousted from Facebook. It just blew my mind that such a thing exists. Has it not yet occurred to those people that if it weren't for soldiers and their service, they wouldn't have the freedom to voice their assinine opinions? I'm not in favor of war either, but in no way does that translate to the men and women who serve!!!

I have to agree with you ... the people that were behind this despicable Facebook wall of shame, ARE asinine and worse. Many young men and women have died to ensure that these creeps have the right to be as publicly stupid as they want to be. The fact that they can't see this is just another example of why I have a rising blood pressure every time I read about those who are against war, choosing to express their feelings by attacking those who answered the call to protect America from ALL enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC ... and gave the last measure to protect those rights.

Somehow, these creeps ALWAYS attack the military ... instead of the civilian government(s) who placed these young men/women in harms way.
The very reason these bunch of idiots are able to express what they did, is simply because there are men who are able to put on a uniform, stand the post and defend the right of people to express themselves...

I suggest yhey a mile in the soldiers boot before they comment on anything...

Here in America we have the Freedom of Speech. It's part of the Bill of Rights.
And as much as I despise the human scum that says that worthless smack about OUR brothers and sisters, mommies and daddies that are out there, I will still stand up in defense of their right to speak their views.
Here in America we have the Freedom of Speech. It's part of the Bill of Rights.
And as much as I despise the human scum that says that worthless smack about OUR brothers and sisters, mommies and daddies that are out there, I will still stand up in defense of their right to speak their views.

I agree with you .. however ..

The other side of that coin, is the part that says that I ALSO have the right to say what I think of these lowlifes .....
Why further their cause?

I ignore these ignorant fools who have nothing better to do than disresprect the men and women who are fighting for our country.

Thanks for the info. yet.. no thanks..
NO disrespect to you at all, I only think that spreading the word is making their cause that much more seen.
I hope you understand.
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Frankly, from my POV soldiers are not heroes.

At least, not automatically, and not because they are soldiers. Soldiering is a job. There are heroes within this group, but there are heroes also within any other group of the population, you choose which.

Soldiering as a job has it advantages, and its disadvantages (I recall that when coming out of the machine I had to re-learn almost everything about "Real Life", so prtected and in closed environment we lived: I had to relearn how to make a living out of being productive, to live with no guaranteed health care, had to start talking to banks, apply to university with more than just a sheet of paper, etc.), "heroizing" this specific job is the wrong way to see things I believe. From that POV also police forces, fire fighters, medics, doctors and even shrinks and/or advocates are heroes (which I think we all agree is not generally true).

Soldiers are soldiers, nothing else, and it holds no special merit to be one, or at least not any more merit than being a fire fighter or a car mechanic or a clerk (actually, the majority of soldiers are working in clerk functions in logisitics). Some turn heroes during combat or their career, but so do also any other professionals that take their job seriously and act as such.

Just defending or attacking values set by society and following orders does not make you a heroe, IMHO, it makes you a good employee in the mil field.

Ready for incoming,


Frankly, from my POV soldiers are not heroes.

At least, not automatically, and not because they are soldiers. Soldiering is a job. There are heroes within this group, but there are heroes also within any other group of the population, you choose which. ---snip---

Just defending or attacking values set by society and following orders does not make you a heroe, IMHO, it makes you a good employee in the mil field.

Ready for incoming,


100% correct.
Is there enough room in your shellscrape for the two of us?

Never the less, I'm sure I know what these pricks actually meant, it's just that they didn't express it very well, they were sh!tstirring and they are finding out that it isn't working as well as they imagined it would.
Everything negative about this site and these people that all of you have said is correct, but having spent most of my life as a soldier I don’t consider myself to be a “Hero”. I’ve known Hero’s, Col. Nick Rowe was a Hero (among many others). All who don a uniform (Military, Police, Firefighters, etc) are potential hero’s - but until a person does something above and beyond they are just doing what they signed up for.

Those who put themselves in harms way deserve recognition and honor - absolutely! But let us reserve the title of Hero for those who have truly earned it - such as SSG Salvatore Giunta or those Japanese Guys who are still manning that Nuclear Reactor.

Hero’s teach us how to live,
Dead soldiers teach us how to give.
Heroes come in all sizes

I have yet to see a hero accept this title. Just the fact that you're here expressing your opinions is helping me deal with my son being where he is, in harm's way.
I'm sorry that the heroes aren't getting the appreciation and respect they deserve and I hope someday this will change.

You're all heroes in my book.

It's the old Vietnam BS, blame the soldiers for the war. I can't think of a name foul enough to call these idiots.
RealNavy, maybe the soldiers are not responsible for the war starting, but they are fully responsible for the atrocities they commit themselves. I'm not saying that all soldiers commit crimes or atrocities, but I am saying those that do should be held fully accountable for those crimes.
That includes the NCOs and COs that look the other way when said crimes are committed.
Guys, guys, easy. This kind of pages show an extremist reaction to some systemic incoherences.

It starts from an anti-war feeling, and it ends up here.

And I have less problems with these people who hate soldier than the people who love soldiers... A bit like the people who hate war are less crazy than the people who love war.

Now, the problem, is that to succeed in war, you have to be a little crazy, you have to love it somehow to be good at it. But be careful, the day you start to believe your own BS. You are done.

One thing is true. Human nature push us to be aggressive toward other groups. It means that someday we will have to bash each others skulls for some reason.
The soldier is in fact nothing but the professional form of the warrior. We take men, and we make them specialists in warfare. We train them to work together. We reduce the individual values to make him into a part of a war machine. A system made to destroy other human beings.

How can you ask someone to love this? Honestly?

And through history, this "war machine" was controlled by weak minds. The Roman empire didnt use its legions of professional soldiers to build an ideal world. In fact, they used their military might to rule the world.

The Nazis had wonderful and superior soldiers at their time... And the free world had to make huge sacrifices to stop them, to put them down.

Soldiers are not heroes. They are professional warriors. Saddam Hussein had soldiers... Khadaffi is using soldiers against the population of his country...

And yes, soldiers arent all evil. As they are not all good. And by definition, these guys follow orders. It's the military discipline. And they stick together and follow the movement. And if they dont, a harsh punishment and dishonorable names are waiting for them (traitor, deserter, coward etc...)

And as there is soldiers, we take out the duty of fighting for justice from the civilians. Now, there is the civilians in one side and the military in the other side. One has the duty to fight and defend what's is valuable. And the civilians are just good enough to pay taxes to finance the whole show...
And we lie to the civilians if we have to. They dont deserve the truth, it might hinder their ability to work hard to support the war. Another form of slavery.

Is it fair? Is it good? Arent we still in the peasant working the land and the lord and his knights scheme? And they are still protecting us from the devil?

Listen to some people in this forum, they tell us "that a soldier died so these people can enjoy freedom of speech, to open this kind of pages on facebook."

I'm angry when I read that. Like we were slaves or weaklings, like we needed people to fight for us.

We are not trained for warfare because you are trained in warfare to go to war in our name sir. If there was no soldiers. I would be sleeping with an AK under my bed.
Or if you werent a soldier, I would be a soldier instead of you. Or someone else... You are not special princess...

Soldiers arent heroes yet, just by joining. Some human beings are heroes because they made a personal sacrifice to make the world a better place.
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