Epic Fail

Other guy
I would tell some one in that situation sorry to hear that now go find another place to live, it sucks but things like that happen. Jesus Christ it's not the Federal Governments problem to find people appartments or deal with Land Lord Tennent disputes.

What about the Butt-Heads that lived way beyond their means do I have to pay for that nice brick house, BMW, and jet ski? If so WHY?

How about the IDIOTS (you know who you are) that "use their house as a Bank" and take maximum money out of it when the price of the home was inflated? Now they owe way more than it's worth and can't make the payments not my problem.

It Boils down to they made their bed now they need to sleep in it. This is a military forum I thought you folks would understand self control, ethics, and Honor. Self reliance maybe?
Don't forget about the pensions that could disappear because of these banks going under. If a company like Wachovia fails suddenly all compainies with pensions through them have to find another place to take them or they might be lost entirely.
i love when foreigners debate MY country

Hate to break it to you it isnt called a "GLOBAL credit crunch" or "GLOBAL credit crisis" because it is confined to the USA alone.

Most nations have realised this already and (for want of a better word) nationalised the institutions that are in trouble however as the US is one of the largest and most influential economies in the world if you fail to do anything then you will still drag a sizable proportion of the world down with you.

So given that in this case what you do affects a bunch of other countries you will be debated whether you like it or not.
Just would not like to see you shoot yourself in the foot, that's all. The domino would affect everyone to a greater or lesser degree. When you are holed below the water line you have to move fast. The recriminations and consequences can come later. Bear in mind that the war you are fighting around the world is also being waged on the financial front by very long-reaching and powerful financial powers who are determined to bring you down - ground zero 2 by the back door. You are being attacked and tested by those with the vastest current financial resources - foes and their supporters. Another case of survival of the fittest. Protect your systems first - deal with the baggage at your leisure. Save jobs, save pensions, etc., etc. Election time or not, stand together and stand tough.

God Bless America.