The Enigma that is John "Jack" Idema


Active member
I don't know how many of you have heard of Mr. Idema, or whether this has been discussed before, but I did a short browse and found the forum empty on the subject.

For those who do not know who Mr. idema is, How about a History Lesson

For those of you who do, what are your opinions of him. Is he really the con man some sources have said he is, or is he just a victim of anti-american sentiment. Did Robin Moore overplay and exaggerate his efforts in Task Force Dagger?
GuyontheRight said:
I don't know how many of you have heard of Mr. Idema, or whether this has been discussed before, but I did a short browse and found the forum empty on the subject.

For those who do not know who Mr. idema is, How about a History Lesson

For those of you who do, what are your opinions of him. Is he really the con man some sources have said he is, or is he just a victim of anti-american sentiment. Did Robin Moore overplay and exaggerate his efforts in Task Force Dagger?

Most likely a con-man. The Afghans would have been entirely within their rights to treat him as an "illegal combatant", with all that implies. He's the kind of person who makes America look bad.
Well, even if he's a con man, he's a con man who is working against terrorists. Ive talked to former SF onm other forums who prety much all agree the guys a scumbag, but they cant dispute that he may be doing some good giving the terrorists a taste of their own medicine.
Yea, speaking of which, has anyone seen that movie with Cloony that Mr. Idema sued over? Frankly I never even heard of the Russian Mafia smuggling thing until now. I first heard of the guy like alot of you, in Robin Moores book.
GuyontheRight said:
Well, even if he's a con man, he's a con man who is working against terrorists. Ive talked to former SF onm other forums who prety much all agree the guys a scumbag, but they cant dispute that he may be doing some good giving the terrorists a taste of their own medicine.

Has he actually ever caught any? Doesn't look that way, and frankly it's hard to see how he'd do any good without any sources of intelligence. His "technique" seems to have involved dragging Afghans off the street and torturing them.
Actually he "duped" NATO into helping him capture some "suspects". Whether or not they were really terrorists, I dunno, but I wouldn't put it past this guy to have some success, whatever his past says. Ive heard from more then one source that hes in good with some of the people over there, so his intel could be useful.
I do not know why there is even a thread on this person.

He is a POS who has done nothing but endanger lives, most certainly American lives within the AO. The only good thing this asshat has done was get caught and get out of the way.