Does America hate it's armed forces?


Forum Resistance Leader
I watched the video of the U.S. Marine throwing a puppy of a cliff in Iraq. Also I understood that this action is a negative one, on behalf of the USMC and the U.S. presence in Iraq.

But then, the response videos.College kids, and people that look like they are to lazy to open a book and just dogmatically scream blood for oil condemned everything, the U.S. , Bush, the U.S. military, I wanted to just jump through my computer screen and knock their lights out.


But, I kept a cool head, and after winding down, I realized that they would eat that up to. (after realizing what I have said about some types of people, and like the USMC, just one rouge does not mean that they are all bad.) I asked myself this, is this thing like.......? Vietnam?

Not in the sense that the military side is taking many years, well, just 5, but, that the general American public does not agree with the war. And that some of the American youth, literally are broadcasting their hate for the U.S. government's actions, and are showing great distaste for the military?

I just do not know what is exactly happening in this country, what will happen? There are so called (resistance movements) (like A.R.M) Resistance against what? What? Are some people are convinced that they are living in a fascist country? By all means, if they think that, then they have not seen fascist.

I keep seeing young people and others jumping to conclusions, not thinking things through, and screaming down with Bush whenever they can. This goes against almost all of my opinions and beliefs.

Milforum members, all I ask is your insight on this matter, I am not concerned about the stability of our nation, or the stability of our presence in Iraq, I am concerned about some aspects of the U.S. youth, and the projection of the our world influence. What would happen if the coalition left Iraq? Let it drift away in a sea of foreign policy failure, what will the U.S. do? Become a paper tiger, militarily paralyzes because the American public does not have the will to fight any more, no matter what the circumstances?

Please, I accept responsibilities to my words above, if it requires me to be banned, then I will not fight that, all I ask is that you read...:crybaby:
I'm one of the youth, and I agree that people my age will heckle the recruiters that come to our school and say things that should not be said, even with the right to freedom of speech. And all the while, me and my friends who are planning on joining the military, are watching with such disgust of our peers.

I hear all the time on the bus from the juniors and seniors that Bush is sending us on a path of destruction and anarchy. When Katrina first hit, that's all they blamed it on. Some of the black kids were arguing about it and the one thing that was said that stuck in my mind was, "Bush hates black people.". They always say, things like favoring one branch over another, and when I ask them if they plan on joining, they say, "No way! I don't want to get shot!". How can you talk about a branch like that, and not even plan to join? That right there is a disrespect to the militaries of the world.

I'm sorry but I need to cool off. This just makes me livid.
Sukio - I sympathise with your concerns. As it happens, latest news reports tell us that whilst 70 % of iraquis are not happy at having a foreign force there, actually only 30 % of them want American troops to leave yet.

An insurgent fighter , ex Iraq army, expressed the opinion that in his opinion, whenthe Americans leave, they will get a worse monster than Sadam, and that Iraq will burn even more than now.
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As a high schooler I have seen no such things happen.

I see people turn down recruiters but never intentionally treat them badly.

More of what I've seen is general indifference. No one cares. People say that they don't want to vote because their vote doesn't matter and that they'll just end up voting for some guy who ends up getting impeached. I find this rediculous and stupid.

Mind you, I do think that Bush is one of the worst things that's happened to the US in a long time, but I don't blame a hurricane on him. (I blame the crappy reaction ;))

I think most people realize that it's not the soldier's fault where he goes or what he's told to do. I've seen more backlash against Bush than against the armed services.

(Am I taking this calmly? I think I'm taking this calmly.)
Mr. The Other Guy, that is the best way to take things, calmly. Although sometimes it makes me angry to hear what some people are saying, about the men and women who are spending months, and risking very literally their lives, to help keep not only the freedoms of the U.S., but the economic channels and shipping lanes open for our nation's people to enjoy a industrialized society.

I just don't feel comfortable hearing fellow citizens talk bad about the military, and the government in particular. First, it frustrates me, to hear people saying "the war is lost, we should not have gone in their in the first place, we are losing" I ask, how is the war is lost? "we are only over their for oil" And I ask them, back it up. Usually I get the answer along the lines of "Bush is the worst thing to happen to this country". And they don't answer.

People do not want to take the five or so minutes to think about the war. Or why you should not disrespect our troops. When have our troops ever arrested someone without reason? Or committed wide looting, or a massive war crimes in a the middle east? See, they are not evil officials who are terrorizing the middle east, or are they poor souls forced into war only to be massacred in car bombings, and suicide bombers as the media suggest.

There are more logical reasons why we are in this war, why don't people just stop and think before screaming anarchy? Why do they sometimes go to extremes (as one young person did on youtube in response to the puppy incident) curse out our military and go into a immature cursing frenzy when, the United States Marine Corps, (which are a bunch of war criminals by his standards) admitted to the young Marine's wrong doings and condemned that young Marine's actions themselves, but in a formal manner.

Military forces in the international coalition in Iraq, and Afghanistan, are fighting to keep the war out of their nations, and preserve not only freedoms, but their ways of life. Why would you spit at them?
It seems to be an unfortunate fact that, In peacetime the general public see the forces as a bottomless sinkhole for their hard earned tax dollars, this antagonism is further exacerbated in times when we fight a war where the whole country is not in total support.

Things like the puppy incident are nothing to do with the war, but are eagerly grabbed by those against the war as ammunition to further besmirch the forces.

Personally I feel that the person throwing the puppy should be charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for bringing his US Forces into disrepute, then publicly humiliated, not as a service member, but as a member of a "civilised" society.
The people in my high school call me very stupid for wanting to serve. They say stuff like "Do you want to die?" and "We won't miss you if you get shot"...
Pay no heed, you will find people like that everywhere in life. Obviously they are not your friends, so why take any notice.

Be proud of your decision and don't be sucked into "defending" your view. What you desire is both honourable and admirable, you don't have to justify your position.
I just don't feel comfortable hearing fellow citizens talk bad about the military, and the government in particular. First, it frustrates me, to hear people saying "the war is lost, we should not have gone in their in the first place, we are losing" I ask, how is the war is lost? "we are only over their for oil" And I ask them, back it up. Usually I get the answer along the lines of "Bush is the worst thing to happen to this country". And they don't answer.
It's not that they're losing, it's more that they're not winning. We have no real goal that I can tell, so how do we know when we win?

People do not want to take the five or so minutes to think about the war. Or why you should not disrespect our troops. When have our troops ever arrested someone without reason? Or committed wide looting, or a massive war crimes in a the middle east? See, they are not evil officials who are terrorizing the middle east, or are they poor souls forced into war only to be massacred in car bombings, and suicide bombers as the media suggest.
Agreed. It's not the soldier's fault.

There are more logical reasons why we are in this war, why don't people just stop and think before screaming anarchy? Why do they sometimes go to extremes (as one young person did on youtube in response to the puppy incident) curse out our military and go into a immature cursing frenzy when, the United States Marine Corps, (which are a bunch of war criminals by his standards) admitted to the young Marine's wrong doings and condemned that young Marine's actions themselves, but in a formal manner.

So it was real? I couldn't really tell... all I can tell you is that my internet friends threw a fit... :roll:
Sukio... I'm with you on this one. I think we're all with you.
It breaks my heart and I think the United States is going to go to a depth that it has not been before.
I have a family member that has just come back from Iraq, so the issues hits a little closer home for me. And for those who have gone to the middle east, regardless of what flag you have on your shoulder, thank you.

No matter haw negative the opinion becomes, you will at least have one civilian supporter.:salute2:
I agree with Redneck's support of Sukio's take. I have just been viewing President Bush's anniversary of the Iraq campaign speech. I recommend it.

It would help if folk took the time to listen to their Commander-in-Chief and to give their armed forces full support.

And it would also help if non- Americans ceased the constant Bushwhacking and Iraq campaign denigrating. Time enough for the former when he is no longer in the driving seat, and the latter when the mighty task has been concluded.

I am prepared to accept Geo W's take - that he was right, that he is right, that he will be right. I have always considered that to be so. It is fortunate that USA had a man of action in place on 9/11. He told the enemy that America was coming for them, and he was true to his word. He has handled the poisoned chalice with calm and confidence; I believe he will be missed on that score. Time will tell, as history unfolds.

America make the sacrifice - couch potatoes , including far too many foreign couch potatoes, sling the mud. Such is life in the 21st century.

God Bless America, Sukio.
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It seems to me the only people who truly support the armed forces, and not just America's, is us that are talking on this forum and the ones who actually serve.
Justin - I'm glad to say that this is really not so - there are a great many of 'us' out there. They don't refer to 'silent majorities' for nothing. This certainly has been a difficult time, not least because of the shouting of the fellow travellers and apologists for our enemies. Stick close to your flag and you won't go far wrong. So far in history the aim of the USA has been straight and true, including Viet-Nam, where, like it or not, the domino effect ground to a halt, and Indo- china became domesticated to a degree.
There are always a few of the chattering classes who think it is the done thing to have a go at the military. It is always an easy thing to hit out at, as there is little chance of them hitting back. The greater part of the American public are as always right behind their forces, and in many ways do a lot more for their forces than we do over here. The thing is the TV cameras and the Press always look for the more negative things that are said or protested about than the positive. Is there an easy answer well NO, and if there is I can't think of one. When that Hurricane hit St Louis last year and civilian authority fell apart and the Army stepped in and did a great job they got some credit but not nearly enough.
Right Le - this negativity thing is fairly new phenomenon, to be deplored. It may well have cost Britain its place in the world, and it may well cost us our military recruitment, through disillusion. Just as Justin describes now in USA. In Britain the teachers union is now calling for military visits to schools etc to be banned, and these have been an institution for a great many years.
Well, I see a majority of Americans who are a little tired of war after five years, coupled with an oncoming recession.

But it's not the military's fault.
^^^ I have no doubt whatsoever that they are Errol, but it like somewhere else we know, Nudge nudge, where it is the minority who makes the loudest protest. People who are happy with the status quo don't bother getting their face in the news.