Dodgy Jokes


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What do you call a sheep with no legs??

A Cloud

What do you call a fly with no wings??

A Walk

What do you call a fly with no wings and no legs??

A Raisin

What do you call a fish with no eyes??

A fsh

Whats big, purple and eats people??

A big purple people eater

What goes tick, tock, woof, tick, tock, woof??

A watch dog

Whats got two legs, bleeds a lot and growls when you walk past??

Half a dog
behemoth79 said:
what about, the wife/gf during that time of the month?

Yeah, but how much would I have got done if id said that lol use your imagination, its a two answer joke depending on who your telling it to lol

Fullmetaljacket I know I am weird and thank you for noticing it lol:rock: