Divorce cakes

What a waste of time and energy! I agree, it has 'bitter' written all over it.

Best not to get married in the first place, methinks :smile:
Agree, modern times, just ridiculous and hollow, cake producers PR machines at work.

It was you who picked "that dumbass" for starters, wasn´t it?

You had a reason (if you hadn´t: There you go! Pick your own nose!), you (and he) failed to make it work though you tried, why that thriumphalism and bitterness for something nice, filled with illusions and expectations that in the end didn´t succeed despite all (lets assume for a moment) serious efforts when it started?

Relations start with few and end with too many words...

Kindergarden, as so much today.


That is truly pathetic.
I bet those women have serious personality problems that led to the divorce in the first place.
Like Rattler said, you chose that person, it's your failure.