Diet and exercise - sound off with yours


Active member
I'm curious where everyone is at, RE: Their diet and exercise techniques. Hopefully we'll learn something new and offer something someone else finds useful.

I'm probably going to be the odd man out, as I'm trying to GAIN weight, not lose it. I've always been naturally thin, but the damage to my leg has taken a tremendous toll and I've lost a LOT of weight over the last 6 years. It is next to impossible for me to gain it back, especially with limited strenuous use of the leg still.

So I eat a LOT - about 5,500 to 6,500 calories a day spread throughout 6 meals (and sometimes 8) - and I've just begun exercising again. I can't put any real weight over my own body weight on my leg, so no thrusts, squats, running, etc. But I am slowly strengthening it using only the bar and some very light weights, which I hope will not break any more hardware before they get a chance to pull it out (breaking screws in a bone hurts like hell - I have 3 of them broken :neutral:).

Anyway, I eat a lot of calories with a lot of protein. Peanut butter, tuna fish, red meat (hey, I'm a guy - I like my steak) and lots of eggs, cheese, and salad. My diet needs to be drastically improved, though, because I smoke and drink (like a fish), which reduces my appetite considerably. Once I quit both, I expect my caloric intake to go up by about 2,000 to 3,000 per day, which should, with the exercise, get me back up to about 180 (I am 5' 11").

Without any real leg exercises I can do, I am focusing a lot on upper body. I do one light day, one heavy, one light, then rest a day and repeat. Most of this are chin-ups, pull-ups, bench presses, curls, and etc. I can do pushups, but it hurts like hell with the pressure on my toes, so I usually do them with crossed legs at the ankles to keep the articulation of my right ankle to a bare minimum. Being crippled f-ing sucks.

Oh, and if you want to make a steady pull-up/chin-up bar yourself that folds up for easy storage, PM me and I'll post the design I drew and built and use. It cost me about $20 and I rated it for 350 pounds sustained weight while it only weighs about 25 pounds. Perfect for inside the house use and folds up into a closet, doesn't flex a millimeter with my 140 pounds on it.

So, I am ALWAYS looking for new/better exercises/methods to help me continue improving. And always interested in discussing diet, as this trying to gain weight sh!t sucks big time. If anyone has advice, please! I am all ears.

So, what do y'all do to stay in shape and eat right? Any advice for this old soldier?
I'm probably going to be the odd man out, as I'm trying to GAIN weight, not lose it. I've always been naturally thin
I hate you.

red meat (hey, I'm a guy - I like my steak)
And I'm a girl and I love my steak.

When I am dying, excuse me, DIETING, I drink protein shakes and have Special K twice a day.

For exercise (at least in the fall/winter) I do Pilate's. Go ahead and laugh. Go put in an advanced video and roll around on the floor for twenty minutes and come back laughing.


P.S. When I'm trying to gain weight (or eat like a real person) I am a total carb junkie.
I eat 3 small meals and usually stick a little snack in between but not always.
Exercise is squats and pushups. Can't find a place to do pullups at the moment.
Power walking also to help with my leg problems though it's harder to do here in Romania. Also with the new job I have far less time.
I was on a weight training program in Indonesia though for about a month before I had to come back here.
Are you sure you want to gain weight AZ? Because if anything is going to mess up your knees, it's a huge upper body. I had some serious muscles in the Corps but I had to get rid of most of them because of the effects it had on my knees. Had to get rid of them until my knees got stronger.
Hey you asked.

And I happen to like grass.

I was agreeing with you when you commented that pilates isn't easy - grass drills are a form of punishment we use in the Army that smokes your butt. I imagine pilates smokes some tail, too. Doesn't look easy to me, anyway.

I'm not even going to comment on the "I like grass" thing. Smokin' that stuff will kill you (he opines as he opens a beer at 0500). :mrgreen:


Dude, if there is anything I don't have to worry about it is a huge upper body. I'm just naturally thin, one of those types that burns every calorie I ingest before it has a chance to store itself. I'm in relatively great shape for 37 - No fat at all (not even that 30-ish pooch belly), very strong abs, and very strong upper body. But it's still built on this God-forsaken frame.

Attitude of a biker, body of a boobless Barbie doll. :???:

With the exception of the run (damn leg) I max out the AFPFT in the 18-year old age bracket. It's nothing for me to do 82/92 in 2.

But the thing is, no matter how in shape I stay, no matter how much I bench or curl or push, I still look skinny. And I absolutely DETEST being skinny. Fat people can ALWAYS lose weight - they have, what? 20 different surgeries to staple a stomach to force weight loss?

But us skinny guys get the shaft. The only thing we can do to gain weight is to eat and take steroids. But you can only eat so much and steroids are illegal. I may try them next, illegal or not - I am that sick and tired of being half the size (though equally as strong) as all my friends. If they weren't so damn expensive, I'd already be using them. It just sucks being the skinny guy in the jacuzzi.

Now don't get me wrong, here: I am a Christian and I know that being a real man is about serving Jesus, not your size or ability to compete in The World's Strongest Man competition. But at the same time, being naturally thin is a plight only naturally thin guys will experience. If you're fat, get off your butt and exercise - the weight will go away. If you're skinny, get off your butt and exercise - but you'll not gain anything past a certain point.

I don't mean to whine, sorry. There just has to be a better way to gain actual mass than stuffing my face with 5-egg omelets every 2 hours and being sick to my stomach 24/7 for a gain of 2 to 3 pounds every month; and only to max out at a lower weight than I want to be.
I think it's fine to be skinny as long as you're just as strong. Plus if you're strong and skinny that makes you FAST

Well, all due respect (and with no intention to be confrontational at all), you're not the one that has to live with the skinny comments.

Sabrina kind of said the same thing to me: I FLY when she rubs her hand over my abs and chest and sighs and gets all close and... well, horny. It's an awesome feeling when a woman 10 years younger than you is commenting on how in shape you are.

But I'm not getting BIGGER - just stronger. Stronger is good, but I also want to gain mass. Eating as much as I do just makes me sick and lethargic for a while, and then I burst with energy. At the rate I am gaining weight, it will take me TWO YEARS of spending every single day on the verge of throwing up to pack on the 40 pounds I want.

I understand what you're saying, brother, and I agree that a man isn't what he LOOKS like, but what he ACTS like. But for me, personally, it's a goal I'll not be happy with myself without. I just can't spend two years doing it - nor is it even reasonable. But I still have to do it. Men and our personal goals, ya know?

I wish you lived a lot closer, Red. I have a feeling we'd be great friends.
Lift,bike(stationary, i know only the chicks do it, but i like it) ,run. + Eat a lot.
Weight Room everyday, run in the 10 degree weather everyday, eat minimal but highly nutritious amounts of food to burn fat (I'm 8% body fat..working on lowering it). Thats about it..:viking:
Hmm, I try to eat a balanced diet, not a whole lot of junk food, stay away from cokes etc. As for exercise, lift three days a week, hunt, ride horseback, walk half an hour every morning, jog occasionally.