Did you personally know anyone who died in Iraq?

Duty Honor Country

Active member
I just recieved an e-mail that made Operation Iraqi Freedom a little more personal. One of the soldiers that I served in Iraq in 2002-2003, died in Fallujah from mortar fire in his second tour of Iraq. This is the first time I have personally known someone who died in Iraq. As I said, it makes the war a little more personal.
I personally didn't, but my fiance lost one of his friends over there. The day he found out was a really hard day. :(
Iraq War Casualties? So far about 1080 American troops died, wounded unknown. Allies forces, maybe less than half hundred dead.
FlyingFrog said:
Iraq War Casualties? So far about 1080 American troops died, wounded unknown. Allies forces, maybe less than half hundred dead.

What about Iraqis dead?

And yes, I lost my brother-in-law... He was a good man and I know he died for a good cause.
No. All my friends have been safe so far. They're in the Air Force, so their base of ops is usually (not always) further from hostility.