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How could it have been good? Sending your men out into a minefield to die does not make any sense to me. Didn't the Russians have mine-sweeping tanks in World War 2? I know some other countrys had them, but didn't the Russians have them? If so, I don't see why they would sacrafice their men instead of sending out the mine-sweepers instead.
MightyMacbeth said:
LeEnfield 2 said:
When you think that the Russians cleared the German minefields by making there troops march across it you can understand why some of their casualty figures where so high. Most of the men that got this sort of work were classed as criminals or other people that would have been put to death by the Russians. If they survived the war they were promised a pardon, now if that pardon was ever kept then it is any ones guess.

hmm..what a tactic!

Zapp Brannigan from Futurama defeated the Killbots the same way: He knew that every killbot had a maximum kill-number after which it would shut down. So he just sent wave after wave of his men against the killbots until they all shut down.