Defense Tech: Ammo And Munitions


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This is a site that has some great information on the World's arsenals, pretty interesting if you're into what is coming out of the Skunk Works and other devious minds. Some of it is downright scary.:shock:

By the way, the Archives listed at the left of the page will keep you busy for a month. Especially the "Geeks and Mad Scientists" site.
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What the F**k?
British troops are not allowed thermobaric weapons of any type.Why dont our government just tell our troops they're only allowed to use muskets so our enemies(and allies) can completely out-gun us.
Thanx for showing me this site so I can get even more soap box about how I live in an insane country.
What the F**k?
British troops are not allowed thermobaric weapons of any type.Why dont our government just tell our troops they're only allowed to use muskets so our enemies(and allies) can completely out-gun us.
Thanx for showing me this site so I can get even more soap box about how I live in an insane country.

Perhaps merely England’s proximity to the Continent of Europe. The good people in Geneva have a hard time with any Weapon of War designed for or capable of setting people on fire for some reason.
The US had to give up "Napalm".... and switch to "Incendigel".

FAE Bombs are also not well liked by the good people of Geneva, and certain members of the UN, even though they are listed for the destruction of landmines planted on or in the ground, which the UN should like.
Seems dropping FAE on the Troops in the act of or capable of planting such devices really upsets the good people of Geneva, and certain members of the UN.
We used to joke that the US Air Force would know ahead of time that the OPFOR ground forces had the Mines on their person if they had to send any FAE their way.
I believe if the UN did a complete work up on the thermobarics that they would see that the overpressure created by thermobaric weapon would kill a person before the fire would, as I believe a person can burn for a good while without actually dying, even though they may wish they were already dead. Perhaps the UK would want to bring that up at a meeting, and point out that the Weapons would be used for the destruction of "equipment" and not "people"..... much like the US does.
They don't like FAE's for one big reason, they have this tendency to suck all the oxygen out of the air and people die from a very painful and torturous death trying to breathe but can't. A horrific death by any measure and the Geneva Conventions are all about dispatching your enemy with the quickest most humane method.

The FAE also has a less painful in terms of a long drawn out death in that they exert a massive amount of force downward and troops in the blast area get pulverised. They are turned into sacks of liquified flesh with no semblance of structure as the bones are reduced to jelly. This does however have a profound impact psychologically on troops on graves detail, tagging and bagging the dead.