de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse (March)

Success! Nijmegen was amazing, I got to meet so many different people from different nations and militaries. The celebrations surrounding the march were huge! I can't put all these experiences into words right now, it was so overwhelming.
I walked with the official German delegation with the group of both German military universities.I was present at the German/ Suisse reception and at the Canadian/ British.
I'll defenitely do it again if I can!

I must say that in both marching and drinking performance Germany and Switzerland were in front of other nations ;).
We had a 2% drop out quote in total and Switzerland had none.
My group lost it's only woman after the first half of day 3 :(.
I talked to some Americans and they confirmed that most of them had no training at all before the marching... most of them were totally destroyed...
As for me I'll play soccer tomorrow.
Up next for me is the March of death in Todendocht/ Belgium (100km in under 24 hrs)

My uniform with Nijmegen 1st time medal and IML-medal:
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I can see the picture now too.
Flat land is far more agreeable. What I hate more than going over one big mountain is having to go over a bazillion small ones!