Conspiracies - part I.

Italian Guy

Milforum Hitman
As many of you might have noticed, I often post some stuff about conspiracies and the like. A lot of times your help and experience made me understand a lot of things. I'm a debunker myself. Btw there's a boards that is made for the specific purpose of debunking conspiracy theories, and it's called AboveTopSecret.
What I thought about doing here is making a new thread that contains the various topics I ask your opinion on. The thread is of course open to anyone else other than me who might just want to to the same.
This is supposed to work like the Milchat thread: it will be always there and be reactivated every now and then.

This is the latest one I stumbled across, and it involves an alleged conspiracy in the UK (mentioning that the same thing had happened in the US) as far as the recent attacks are concerned. Weirdly enough, these theories pop up only after attacks are carried out, claiming "they had already been aware"...
I am going to translate the whole text for you guys (pretty long work):

"How likely is it that the London police decide to stage a counterterrorism training and guess that attacks be made with explosives placed in the very stations where real attacks actually took place, on the same day and on the very same time?

I never heard this.

This could be the answer: thats as likely as it was, 4 years ago, for the US Air Defense and the CIA to decide to simulate an attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, with hijacked civilian airliners, on the very day and time they happened for real.

This is new to me too. I don't believe it.

Peter Power is a relatively famous person to the British public: ex Scotland Yard agent, books writer, often guest on TV shows.
He is now head director of Visor Consultants, a strange company specialized in "prevention of disasters" of all kinds and size.
He himself expressed all his surprise when he noticed that on the morning of July 7 while he was leading a training for a possible terrorist attacks on London underground stations, the bombs that were exploding were real, the wounded were real, so was the screaming, and the rescues that were already there got fortunately addressed to the real casualties of those blasts.

Never heard they were conducting a simulation.

One cant but recall the coincidence - perfectly symmetric to this one - of when the US Air Defense had staged a simulation of an attack to both the Towers and the Pentagon, with civilian airliners, in the very moment it was really happening.

:?: Mmmh why didn't they come up with this after 9/11? To my knowledge the Norad radars were oriented outwards not inwards, because the threat was expected to come from abroad not from withing the national borders. And had been like that for the previous 50 years.

Why could such a double event be useful for the conspirators? Because in such a situation, for instance, it happens that the guys in charge of the flight traffic control all of a sudden don't see just 4 planes on their screens, but about 20 of them, mixing them up. Or it happens, at this point, that immediately after the blasts you have ambulance and rescues on the spot already, as it happened at the Pentagon.

BS. There wouldnt have been 4 planes ONLY on their monitors anyways! Thats one of the world's most trafficked air corridors everyday, and since the planes transponders had been deactivated by the terrorists the Norad couldnt recognize the 4 planes from the other dozens. Plus, it cant be possible that a flight simulation involving airliners is not reported to the air controllers! This is ridiculous!

Or again, and most important, it may happen that if one of your folks makes a mistake, you can always say it was part of the training, and cover it up.
But then why should a Peter Power go on Tv to tell about it, you can wonder? Because Peter Power is evidently not part of the game, and he is useful to give the whole operation an appearance of legitimacy, and to start some indispensable mechanisms, like have the National Security alert level be lowered. Which unmistakenly happened. A lower National Security alert Level, in fact, means that the local police won't react the same way - like as if a citizen notices a suspect movement in the underground tunnels, right before the blasts. "We know, a training simulation is in progress, but thanks anyways".

Mmmmh so was the alert on high level the day before?

The unpredicated part is, probably, that Power ends up telling his story on tv.
We have nothing to support our suspicions, except for a simple thing:
with a G8 Meeting being held that very morning, with the tensions all over the country that only an idiot can not predict, does that seem to you the good time to stage a counterterrorism simulation?

Was there a counter terrorism training simulation at all??

Why risking to uselessly scare and confuse the people? Why scatter and divide the rescue forces that you expect to turn out useful anytime (you are supposed not to know that they will be right there, instead)? But most important, why force the NS alert level to be lowered in those very hours, when you could just wait some more days, when everything came back to normal?
What civil servant, police office, would ever give its permission for a counter terrorism simulation to be held on such a crucial day? On top of that, it was a private firm.
We don't know how far the Brits - less stupid than other peoples - have come in believing this story, but it would be great that, once this thing is over, they realized it all, and nice Blair ended up at least like Aznar.
Massimo Mazzucco"

I'm afraid the "stupid people" he refers to is the Americans.

Anyways you will forgive me for posting this nonsense, I just thought some member, especially British, could be of some help.

Update: here's what I found at[40]=i-43-&x=262459&all_ids=1:
"On the evening of the London bombings of July 7, Peter Powers, a former Scotland Yard official who once worked with the Anti Terrorist Branch, was interviewed on BBC Radio 5 and ITV news. Powers stated that his company, Visor Consultants, a crisis management consultancy, was running an exercise that morning for an undisclosed 1000-employee company to practice the response to a scenario involving explosions in the London Underground, which Powers claimed was "based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations that happened this morning". Some critics have seen this as evidence of possible government involvement in the London transport bombings, though others with experience in crisis management see it as little more than a paper exercise that was eerily prescient".

Looking up Above Top Secret now..

2nd update: debunked here

Last update: from what I've read on Gogle there apparently was 5 sa-calles war games going on on 9/11. I don't know how true this is. Anyone?
Thank you all.
I have retired From London Transport for over 12 years now and they been running all sorts of simulated attacks on the Underground for the last 30 years. It was not only just the IRA but it was training exercise to get all the emergency staff used to the sub way and how to find there way around such places and what they should or should not do. Most this sort of thing is just good common sense training
LeEnfield said:
I have retired From London Transport for over 12 years now and they been running all sorts of simulated attacks on the Underground for the last 30 years. It was not only just the IRA but it was training exercise to get all the emergency staff used to the sub way and how to find there way around such places and what they should or should not do. Most this sort of thing is just good common sense training

Thank you LeEnfield, this is much appreciated.
Italian Guy said:
This could be the answer: thats as likely as it was, 4 years ago, for the US Air Defense and the CIA to decide to simulate an attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, with hijacked civilian airliners, on the very day and time they happened for real.

I've never, ever heard of this US Air Defense?
Italian Guy said:
This could be the answer: thats as likely as it was, 4 years ago, for the US Air Defense and the CIA to decide to simulate an attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, with hijacked civilian airliners, on the very day and time they happened for real.

Never happened.
82ndMechanic said:
Italian Guy said:
This could be the answer: thats as likely as it was, 4 years ago, for the US Air Defense and the CIA to decide to simulate an attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, with hijacked civilian airliners, on the very day and time they happened for real.

I've never, ever heard of this US Air Defense?

I think he means ADA.

Missileer said:
82ndMechanic said:
Italian Guy said:
This could be the answer: thats as likely as it was, 4 years ago, for the US Air Defense and the CIA to decide to simulate an attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, with hijacked civilian airliners, on the very day and time they happened for real.

I've never, ever heard of this US Air Defense?

I think he means ADA.


Yeah, it might be, whoever was in charge of that. I translated it from Italian, and it wasn't specified. So whats the ADA?
Italian Guy said:
Yeah, it might be, whoever was in charge of that. I translated it from Italian, and it wasn't specified. So whats the ADA?

Air Defense Artillery or surface to air missiles.