Confusing the Boss


Forum Health Inspector
Okay, this is (supposedly) a true story told to me by one of my former coworkers. He's a full bird Colonel in the USMC Reserves, a Marine aviator and a prior member of the Blue Angels. (His picture is on the alumni site.) As such, he flew Fat Albert for three years.

One year (I won't say which), the team hated the Boss. So, as a joke, the entire team had my coworker (an officer) dress up as the plane captain (an enlisted personnel) for the Boss at one of the shows; of course, nobody told the Boss.

So the pilots did their walkdown to their planes; up the ladder went the Boss, and he dropped into his seat. He took his sunglasses and his khaki garrison cover off, looked up to hand them over to his plane captain -- and did a double-take. "What the :cens: are you doing here?!" he exclaimed to my coworker.

"Don't worry, Boss," my coworker said, taking and stowing the khaki cover and sunglasses. "You're in good hands."

Now, keep in mind that the plane captain is also the one who sits in front of the airplane and goes through all those wild gyrations with his/her arms as the pilots go through their control surfaces check. So the Boss was sitting there, sweating it out, wondering if my coworker knew the whole routine.

Unbeknownst to the Boss, my coworker had been practicing for an entire month straight, and nailed all the moves. So it went off without a hitch, and as the jets passed by my coworker, the Boss returned his salute with a dirty, dirty look. And then, the rest of the enlisted personnel piled on top of my coworker and just pummeled him -- something he was NOT expecting!

He got chewed out pretty good at the debrief that day...but he said it was worth it. :lol: