
I think that a democracy only should ban a political party if their porpouses are not democratic, if they are against human rights,etc.
In many countries ultra-right parties(neo nazies) are forbiden, then the comunist have to be forbiden as well. They commited as many crimes as the nazis.
In Spain for example we have a comunist party called IU(left unite). We had to allow them because it was the only way to reconciliate left and right parties after Franco´s dictator ship. They do not have many voters anyway... Well, we also have some ultra-right parties very close to the neo-nazis:AUN.
Recently the Supreme Court banned the political party of ETA called Herri Batasuna, but they have created new ones...
This is the problem of democracy, we are to innocent, we let every squizofrenic have a party and then happens what happens.
Oh well I think 13th RN has been clear on this. Thanks for the info.
Actually if we were at war with France for 60 years because France with its dictatorial terror had wanted to seize us, after all I guess we'd have the "French Party" banned here. Y'know what I mean.
the_13th_redneck said:
staurofilakes said:
I think that a democracy only should ban a political party if their porpouses are not democratic

This is a very good point.

I agree, very good point. But I doubt if they could ever impliment that in some countries, like here in the US.
I think that a democracy only should ban a political party if their porpouses are not democratic

if the majority of the people voted communist, then its the democratic duty to allow the communist party to rule the government

in other words, banning another political party in a democratic society is contridicted
I've been reading 13th rednecks posts about communism in China and N.Korea, not just this thread but in general ... these pics made me understand what exactly he means


Gruesome Pictures of the execution of Tibetians by Chinese forces




lol these pics again

again please make the connection betweent this and communism

what i think ur trying ot say is communism produces harsh criminal punishment

FIRST OF ALL STOP BEING so generalized with communism, when china formed in teh first 30 years we no one excuted, we actually believed in rehablilitation till it taught us its very inefficient

communism is the belief that everyone is equal in every aspect

im not a defender of communism, but simply the way you discribe communism is erroreous and needs improvement

perhaps u meant brutal regimes???
You laughing after looking at those pics only reinforces my view on what communism has made a person of you
of course those pics show how brutal and extreme regimes a communist government can transform into
Since 1949 since the inception of the communist regime, China has been aggressive towards its neighbours and also its own people

I'm reading a book called "China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power " and some of the facts in those books are just mind-boggling

Everyone should get hold of this book ...authors are Nicholas D. Kristof and
Sheryl Wudunn

And please let others a chance to respond instead of you flooding all the replies

You sure they were not separatists or Muslim extremists? Are you sure they all inncent? Som different version of "Freedom fighters" from Middle Eastern ones?

You are sure authors did not use these pictures to generate angers instead of looking into other not so obvious reasons? Did you look into crimes and how brutal criminals are in China? As matter of fact, women can be as deadly as men, if not more, when motives are in place.

I know lot of Chinese civilians die from terrorists bombings every year in China. India suffers the same from Muslim fanatics like China does. Just like I mentioned before, it seems like China has no rights to defend itself from terrorism while others can. Furthermore, gender does not prevent anyone becoming dangerous to the public or the State.

It is not your right to claim what belongs to China and what is not. It is not your right determine who Chinese are and whom not.
on what communism has made a person of you

what communism has made out of me is a captalist, ironic?? i dont think so, because china does not really enphasizes on communism, it emphasizes more on capitalism

you claim that the chinese government is a dark regime with bad records and screws around with its own citizens..

dont bull*hit around man, you claim that china has less human rights than most countries

well, one part of the government policies of china that grants human rights exceeds india, and many countries world wide.. and that is the equlity of women, they get paid the same, treated the same, and even enjoys more privaledge rights in terms of divorce than men
Apart from the infanticide,Women were sold at the price of rice bags, ppl were killed just because they were mentally retarded and didn't give a good image of the country, there was extreme corruption and no one could raise voice against govt. officials or they were sure to get beheaded...everything that made the country appear beautiful in foreigner's eyes was done when in reality the picture was something drastically contrasting

China Wakes : The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power

Anyone who is really interested in China , must read this book
the_13th_redneck said:
Jaeger, why would a communist even bother signing up for the Marines? To help him pick up chicks? lol But his chicks would prefer those who found a way to heroicly dodge the draft right? :lol:

I asked myself that question many times, he should have done his service in the artillery or as a truck driver that would have suited him much better.
That's were all the fat people in Finland end up doing there military service :D

But a reason perhaps why some unmotivated people go to the Marines in Finland is because of the Finnish military system, you can do your service for 12 months, 9 months or 6 months, the best folks and those who volunteer stay for 12 months and become Corporals(group leaders) or 2nd Lieutenants(platoon leaders), MPs and medics get 9 months of education, basic people like MGs, Riflemen and the likes get 6 months education.
And the Finnish military is the one who decide how long you stay in, and in places like the artillery there is never enough volunteers to stay for 12 months so many are forced to stay longer but in the Marines on the other hand there is almost everyyear enough of volunteers to guarantee that nobody will serve longer than they want.

So the commie who was in the Marines was the kind of fellow that wanted to get away with so little time in the military as necessary so that's why he came to the Marines.

Some of you are funny. People killed the babies because the old tradition of preferring baby BOYS to carry on the family. The Chinese law specifically prohibit such killings. What people practice doesnot represent Supreme Law of the Land. If people chose to ignore the law, that is does not mean the country's elaboration on anti-women by bith control policy.

Staruo, please research the matter more on China's general public's sentiments, practice, and its law of the land. You said you were law student; however, you don't look at that country's law instead focus on traditional beliefs and pratices.

Furthermore, China's population's growth without control can only contribute to domestic and international poverties. Also, please look into China's usable land size and its population growth trend and tell me birth control is not needed. Geez do some research.
Staruo, please research the matter more on China's general public's sentiments, practice, and its law of the land. You said you were law student; however, you don't look at that country's law instead focus on traditional beliefs and pratices.

As a law student i can tell you that many times laws are just a reflection of traditional beliefs and popular culture and viceversa.

Please look into Chinese Law before making your judgement, no? Many traditions are destructive, and you are so sure these traditions are allowed and promoted in Chinese Law.

All I got to say, Staruo, look before stereotype. Please don't post just for the sake of posting.
Re: Stauo

Boobies said:
Please look into Chinese Law before making your judgement, no? Many traditions are destructive, and you are so sure these traditions are allowed and promoted in Chinese Law.

All I got to say, Staruo, look before stereotype. Please don't post just for the sake of posting.

I never said that chinesse law let people kill their own childs. What I say is that those murders are due to the strong birth control policy of chinesse goverment.
Are we talking about the same China where some parents have to kill their female babies because of the Goverment´s population control methods?

never said that chinesse law let people kill their own childs. What I say is that those murders are due to the strong birth control policy of chinesse goverment.

China's Birth Control is Law and it targeted to curb the dramatic population growth that can contribute to domestic and international poverty. Now for many humanist or religious people, it is wrong. Yet, it is neccessary evil to control population growth if the problem is no longer China's but affecting many others, globally.

You second argument still points to the murders to government policy and law instead look into Chinese traditional practice and beliefs. Chinese law =/= traditional beliefs. If you disagree, please point us the discrepancies and unjustice in China's Supreme Law of Land or local laws. One last question, does the torture of Iraqi prisoners represent the United States policies or Law?

Don't stereotype the government policy when people choose to ignore the law and do their own things.