CNN can't read a simple map (riots in France)


CNN can't read a simple map (riots in France)

I thought my fellow people would like this. I was just on another forum where a guy in france posted some screengrabs from CNN. I'll attach his comments.


Originally posted by altamaros:
Apparently, alarmed by the riots, we have decided to move our towns.
Apparently Paris moved 150 km east.
Lyon moves form its previous situation aside the alps to south of Massif Central
Toulouse decided that being on the Altantic shore was no good (too close to the USA, i guess) and move east to become a italian alpine city.
The mayor of Stasbourg was more careful. he chose his town to stop being in France and moved it in southern Germany.

the guy at CNN must have spent some time in Rennes since apparently it's the only town roughly at the good place.

Granted, if you slapped down an outline of france and asked me to pin the tail on the city, I couldn't do any better, but then I'm not a proffesional newscaster.


Originally posted by Solomon
Dude, that's CNN after all! Actually, merely displacing towns is an improvement for them... they've been known to displace whole countries on occasions! Look what they did to the Czech Republic...
Poor old Prague used to be a nice city, before CNN dropped Bern on it.