The Classic Radio Conversation

Mark Conley

Active member
Proper radio procedure is usually one of the first things to go in a combat situation for some...lets relive a classic from the jungle of Viet Nam involving a forward observer and an artillery command post.

FO: (said in a nasally hillbilly twang) Hello artillery group...hello artillery group...this is the Green Dragon requesting artillery support in sector 6-6.This is the Green Dragon requesting artillery support in sector 6-6 over... :D

AC: Last caller...Last caller. This is the Artillery group CP. This is the artillery group CP. Use proper terminology - Authenticate before entering the net. Authenticate before entering the net. Over. :shock:

FO: Hello artillery group. This is the Green Dragon requesting artillery support in sector 6-6. I need a fire mission in sector 6-6. I need it now. Authenticate on that …Over. :D

AC: Ok Green Dragon. That kind of miss-use of the radio net will not be tolerated! Who are you? What’s your unit? Who’s your commanding officer? Answer now! Over! :x

FO: Aw come on Sir. I ain’t that Green a Dragon….out! :D