Chinese Nuclear Capability

Whispering Death

Active member
So how many Nuclear Warheads does China have? A program on the history channel said they had 20 but I've heard from less reliable sources they could have as many as 2,000. I've been reading up on their boomer type 94 submarie. Those submarines have the capability to lauch 16 JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles and the chinese are planning to field 12 of them. Anyone care to inform me on just how many nuclear warheads the Chinese have?
well, most chinese nuclear devices are thermonuclear warheads, in other wards its a fission bomb inside a huge fusion bomb.

i dont think the numbers are easy to obtain, as many are hidden deep in valleys and mounjtains
really don't know......enough for self-defense, maybe?! i think that's the real beauty of it......
The reason I ask is becuase of the missile defense shield America is putting up. If it is true that China only has like 20 and is bluffing the rest, then America would be free from worrying about a Chinese nuclear attack in the case of a flareup in Taiwan.
china succesffully made a nuclear bomb during 1962 i think at the latest

thats about 43 years, alot of years to make warheads

most are hidden in mountains so u wouldnt see it, maybe it s abluff maybe its not, but i do know that it exists
Nuh, that really isn't the case. There will be no nuclear war between those 5 Security Council members, because of their political power, economic ties and nuclear capabilities.

If they decide to go have a nuclear war, then the human kind will end. No country will be stupid enough to make such move, what is the point to make such move when 2/3 of your people dead and 90% of the cities gone? in case of a major nuclear attack from any other countries, China doesn't even need to lunch all their nukes back to where it from, they would have sent them to Russia’s major cities to trigger the automatic defensive system, then, every advanced country, any major city would have gone, not even need to face the NMD. I say 50 warheads will do. So, major nuclear powerful countries will not start such war, simple as that.

I have to say the Taiwan issue might trigger a very limited nuclear attack, only if the war is getting out of the hand, China would set off a warhead within Chinese territory only for warning purpose.

Once again, the purpose of the NMD is to prevent a limited (either accidental, unauthorized launches or deliberate) Ballistic Missile attack on U.S soil. The NMD might work for keep out the threats from countries like Iran and Libya or even terrorists.

China has the capability of producing enough U-235 and Pu-239 for 100-150 warhead a year since 1980s, whither those material has been turned to warheads was unknown. Sadly, even Japan has this kind of capability and maintained a large storage of the material. (They can’t have nukes, but their scientists say Japan can have the warheads built in a week or less in war time!)

Anyway, if you guys won’t have the thought to attack China with nukes, you should not worry about China would want to start one neither.
en.....a good question.. no one really knows..

i saw articles estimated the number of nukes china has from 300 to is just too unpredictable..

but wut i am sure is that china has over 300 of nukes...cuz china has over 300 of different kinds of some new DF-31s or JL-2s have multi-war heads (6-8?) over 300 is wut i can say
Found some good articles about China's Nuclear Capabilities. You guys can read them and then continue the discussion. :lol:
Some sites may contain incorrect information, but what site doesn't have some wrong info? :p

5. 2003/world_nuclear_arsenalsfact_sheet.htm