A BusinessWeek Online Article I wish to share...

It's all a game

Active member
...with Americans on this board.

As I mentioned before, I had lived in the US for over 10 years before coming back to China not long ago, and I love almost everything American. When I was there, I probably loved the US more than my own country. I had worked in China for many years before going to a couple of US graduate schools, and I have many American friends of all walks of life. I would venture to say that I know both China and the USA VERY WELL and that I am far less prone than many here to misinformation/disinformation/propoganda of either Chinese style or American style.

I feel bad seeing that many Americans have such hard feelings or just a general (and in many cases, irrational) uneasiness toward China. I believe I know most of the reasons for them to feel so, but I don't believe they are good reasons.

A minute ago, I came across a what-I-would-call well-informed article on a web site. It contains many of the facts that most Americans on this board probably are not quite aware of. This article, if you care to read through and give some thoughts, may change some of your ideas about China, about China and US, and about China, US, and the world at present, in the near future and the future. I know that we are here mainly to discuss military stuff, but the root of it all is national interest. Nations are becoming more and more co-dependent on each other, i.e. their national interest are more entwined or correlated. World events are beyond us individuals' personal preference or wishes and in most cases only historians have the previlege judging the value, merit, or significance of these events... OK, here's the link to the copy-and-pasted article:

It's all a game said:
Hehe... Only 13 people have viewed this thread? Does that mean we have only 13 Americans on board? Others wouldn't even bother to take a peek? Hmm...

It's all about the title of your post... ;)

BusinessWeek = Boring (for many)... :lol:

try to write something like:
this is not about FREE SEX but an article from BusinessWeek.
And I'll guarantee you that every single member of this forum would have viewed the thread..:lol:

Anyway, I'm browsing through the articles now, and I'll try to read them later tonight.. :)
free sex...where :horsie:

hmm, I do need to read that article. I am guessing there is no free sex...thanks a lot Redleg!!! :cry:

It's all a game, expect my thoughts on your article real soon

SGT Doody