Britney Spears goes bald...... not a joke... well sort of....

When a case of cooties gets bad enough, all you can do is shave to get rid of the buggers, it doesn't matter which end. :cool:
I heard a little bit ago that she ditched rehab again. She and Lindsay Lohan must be twins or something...:roll:

Sorry guys - who gives a d*mn what 'bs' 'BS' is pulling nowadays.

Same goes for the spoiled little rich girl .........
Good to see you chief,

Henderson is right, I don't think anybody does care, we just like rubbing a celebs nose in sh**.
Its a sad state of affairs when the misfortune of others somehow transmogrifies into feelings of warmth and increased self-esteem.
well somebody cared to post 3 pages of BLAH here in this thread.. :D
Oh, please -- that's just the pot calling the kettle black, sir. You STARTED the thread! :p

After seeing her other pictures I just figured she'd shaved so both ends would match.
Oh, no. I didn't just read that. No no no no no nooooooooooooooo... :bang:
But that's funny as all :cens:! :lol: