British WW1 Army records available free for 1 week


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Yes I believe so, no records of my grandfather although it doesn't help lying about his age to join up so the dob is probably incorrect!
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My cousin has looked into family history and he suggests

"a helpful place to look I found were the Medal Cards - gives more details than information about what medals they were eligible for; if you can get the their service number and regiment that helps a lot too"
MY family did alot of research into our family tree. And yes, we got alot of information from the medal cards.

It must be noted that not all records were burnt in the Blitz. Only those of ordinary soldiers and NCOs. If your family member was an officer then they were housed separately and you can still find their records. And not all records burnt. Some survived but only a few are actually readable.
It must be remembered that many of the WW1 Army records were destroyed during the Blitz, Some of my uncles records have turned up over the years as badly burnt bits of paper.