British nukes question


Active member
someone told me the other day thay the UK can`t fire it`s nuclear missiles without the USA permision. they said the trident missiles in our subs are owned by us but the targeting system is run by the USA and if they turned it off our missiles would just fall into the sea. is this true?
but Im pretty sure the UK dont control our nukes like that...
and is the friend you got this from KC72 anti-American perchance?
but Im pretty sure the UK dont control our nukes like that...
and is the friend you got this from KC72 anti-American perchance?

anti Bush certainly, but the point he was trying to make was that Britain doesn`t need a nuclear arsenal because we don`t fully control the missiles we have, and the threat of any genuine invasion is gone.(cold war)
KC72 said:
but Im pretty sure the UK dont control our nukes like that...
and is the friend you got this from KC72 anti-American perchance?

anti Bush certainly, but the point he was trying to make was that Britain doesn`t need a nuclear arsenal because we don`t fully control the missiles we have, and the threat of any genuine invasion is gone.(cold war)

America has learned that train of thought is wrong the hard way, over and over and over. See army prepardness before WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam.
no its not true britain uses missles bought from america but doesnt mean we cant use them on our own ( there would be no point in having them if that was the case) no british decide where and when to fire, i guess its a nother way a foreigner can annoy the brits :lol:
We work in tandem with the US and targets are agreed before hand to save duplication. Now I can't see Britain using nuclear weapons if it was not an all out war then like now we would be standing along side America
brit nukes

nuclear missiles do not have a self destruct or recall. Once they are fired, they are gone. there are many stages in the arming of the nuke warhead but they are continguint on the missle flying the correct corse, not on ny outside signals. Just think. If there were a self destruct code, how could you be sure that the enemy did not have it via a spy. Fire off a full strike and see them blow up in mid air. bad idea.
Test missles do but not war reserve.
I worked as a small american detachment at RAF Bruggen. The labor government would not allow british nukes outside the UK so they borrowed B-43's from USAF for the Canberra bombers.
Because of an agreement during WW II, the Brits did not have the resources to work on atomic power so they sent all their scientists to the US. But with the proviso that they got all the information too. Hence Klaus fuchs the atomic spy. That is how they got nukes so fast.
Masterblaster......After the war America decided to go it's own way on Atomic bombs, so Britain set up it's own Atomic Warfare department. We were producing our own Atomic weapons in the late 40's and by the mid 50's we had produced our own Hydrogen bomb which was exploded at the Christmas Islands. After this advent we then rejoined the Americans working on a single programmes for the development of these weapons