A brilliant strategy or despair?


Active member
During WW2 many air forces tested the concept of motherships carrying combat aircraft. I share with you a spectacular collection of images showing some of the most important projects involving this kind of concept. Agreeing with the title of this post, what do you think? Strategy or Despair? The article and the photos can be viewed by visiting the link below:


Best Regards!
I think this one is a little misleading as most of those images are flying bomb delivery systems, most of the German ones are Mistel project aircraft where the fighter is designed to deliver a bomber full of explosives on a target and the Japanese pictures are all Kamekazi style delivery systems.

The idea of a "mothership carrying combat aicraft" gives the impression that both are designed to return.
While the Russians probably spent more time than most on this idea and are the only ones that managed to get it into use during WW2 I am not sure it is something that has ever been seriously attempted (primarily because it is a relatively silly idea) by anyone.