Brazilian fighter order

Old news, been decided along time.
Rafale won.
Investigations into the order of this purchase are under way so perhaps it will be overturned but I doubt it.
Yep, I read it too.

Lula and Sarkozy doing business and partnerships. Fighters, submarines (and copters also).

In my observations regular non politicians Brazilians really like the regular non politician French persons anyways...then when they get to be politicians and influential people they might choose doing business together, exchange goodies and helping one other ?! lol..
Glad the French won, though sorry for the Swedes as the Grippen is a great aircraft. The French have been unlucky with the Rafale, its a good aircraft but they cannot seem to beat US prices. The US has sold lots of F-18s, I am glad it went to the underdog this time.
It seems that Embraer officials suggesting that Brazilian Gov better choose the Saab ones.but the Defense Minister said it is none of their business to make a pick (lol). Lula already told the midia, couple weeks ago that is his decision and a political one.

The country wants the technology together with the aircrafts deal. And it seems that is France giving a best deal as it seems also they are growing in paternships in other areas it seems with the deal France will buy few Embraer planes also..

It even kind of mix of "funny, messy, dramatic=soap opera style" to read the news about all of that..the tone by midia reading is very "a la Braziliana" the political climate regarding other issues about Gov are making some Brazilians very suspicious about Lula administration and etc. There were problems with the submarine deal, relating to high price were the midia made public also.

Anyways I do hope the country and AirForce get the best deal and very good aircraft. The military in Brasil was much "forgoten and dispised" because the ditactorship regime that lasted until the 80's. As the country democracy is maturing and having more money around,the nation becoming a BRIC country is good to invest again in the military.
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It´s all politics..Same when we were there selling them our fast attack crafts (Strb90H with lemur weapon systems) for their Marines..All politics.

Of wich two?

If you want the straight poop it comes down to this.

What do you want your fighters to do? ie: roles, capabilities in those roles.
What do you want to spend. ie: Most costefficient way to perform those missions.
What are your current abilities. ie: training of maitenence, pilots.
What program will guarantee you rebuys.
What program will let you cooperate on future upgrades. ie: When you buy a new fighter platform you are probably want to keep it for a while, thus upgrading it.

And a few other conciderations.

Best plane? Depends on the job it´s going to do.
