Blue Collar Comedy Tour


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Has anybody seen the Blue Collar Comedy Tour movie???

If not I highly reccomend it. It is the funnies video I have ever seen in my entire life I am still laughing at it and I watched it a week ago.
Love that movie. " I wasnt drunk in pulik i was drunk in a bar and they threw me out in publik" "Are you Ron Tater Salad White?" "You got me you caught the tater."
"You don't get a belly ring when you're big... you get onion rings!"

ah, Larry was my favorite... only because I got his "Git-r-done" dvd
You could be floating down a river in an intertube, buck naked, peein' all over your self, there ain't no stress there is there.
We have the movie series thing... I *heart* BCCT!

Git - R - Dun! <~ this is painted on the school spirit rock by the class of 2005.
well it is good to know that the comedy of ron white and larry the cable guy are recognized around the country. "Tater Salad is definately my favorite protion. I named my dog tater tot after one of ron's jokes.
"Me and my son Tater Tot were at the airport and the lady says." "Is their gonna be someone there to pick him up?" *hits his head with the microphone* "No i'm gonna pin a twenty dollar bill to him and wish him best of luck" (or something like that)