Bible Code


Active member
I was watching the history channel a couple days ago and found something called the bible code. It is hidden in the bible and predicts future events, such as it predicted the 9/11 attacks. Have you ever heard of the bible code?
This kind of Bible code story happened long ago

For my opinion I don't think that's any code for Bible except 666. Bible stated out the Facts and future more clearer and it is not nessasary for God to reveal the future by adding code or blablablablabla.........
I saw a thing about that, then some other scientists blew the whole theory apart, by using the same "code" on any large text they got the same results. They got a more detailed warning of september 11 from a passage of "Moby Dick", and they found text declaring the war in iraq etc in a page from the Australian Federal Parliament Gazette, all by using the same system. They even found warnings about Michael Jacksons criminal acts in Ozzy Ozbourne lyrics :shock: :roll: .. It's a bit of a crock. The bloke who wrote the book about it published his first one before Sept 11, but made no mention of the upcoming terror attack the bible "warned" of. He published a second one after Sept 11 and claimed he had known all along.

Source taken from "John Safran Vs. God" SBS Telivision Australia.

Read a book by Dan Brown called "The Da Vinci Code". After reading it, I realised that if what he said was true, then all major religion is a major lie and we have been screwed over for the past 2000 years. It's a very interesting read, I recommend it to everyone.
Thats an old show, However the problem with it is it can only predict things that HAS happened, not thing to come, wich is for 1. Agianst the Bibles General nature because the Bible Predicts things to come all the way through it and 2. Anyone can find anything about anyting in anything if you look hard enough and have enoughtime, you can take any one of these post and if you skip certian letter probably come up with something completly freaky.
I have the book by michael drosnin on it, and it does have a lot of things to it. Those scientists found only a few "chance" combinations, while the bible has thousands of them, on different topics. I am not saying it is the word of G-D, i personaly do not believe in him, but it may be from aliens or atlantis for all I know
It's not a code. It's said straight up whats going to happen in the end times of whats going to happen in Revelations. Some things prophecied have already happened.
thats true, the guy who wrote the book (Michael Drosnin) he found that Rabin will be shot in 95 and went to the PM in 94
Dameon said:
People who do things like that have alot of money and alot of free-time, thats all I am saying.

What write books? or look for the code?
Michael Drosnin is a Reporter and even you can look for the code for like $25. They use a computer program. its immposible to look for it by hand
Look for the Code, I know it is a Computer program but it took them a long long time to get the program up and running and even with the computer program it can take some time.
Dameon said:
Look for the Code, I know it is a Computer program but it took them a long long time to get the program up and running and even with the computer program it can take some time.

well the first code found was in the 30's by a rabbi
he put all of the letters (300,000+ not sure how many)
of the book on notecards and found that every 50 letters you can spell out torah.
Now that was a person with Free-Time, However I would think that even then if you look at it you can do that with almost anything, take 6 letters here,3 letters thier and 4 letters thier and you can spell something out basicly.
Dameon said:
Now that was a person with Free-Time, However I would think that even then if you look at it you can do that with almost anything, take 6 letters here,3 letters thier and 4 letters thier and you can spell something out basicly.

thats not how the code works. It uses grids and specifics.
for example
I know I am just saying that it isn kinda un-realistic, after all they can never do anything new they can only find things wich have happend.
Thats true but I beleive his name is Nostradomis, even though he is a freeky fellow he has done pretty good. However the Bibal is a book of prophocies so we should be getting new signs not older ones about Hitler coming.
Dameon said:
Thats true but I beleive his name is Nostradomis, even though he is a freeky fellow he has done pretty good. However the Bibal is a book of prophocies so we should be getting new signs not older ones about Hitler coming.
