The best path?

What citizenships or permanent residencies do you have? Also, which Marines?
Also, Green Berets isn't so much of a choice and as for sniping, just make sure you become a half decent shot first and then when you can shoot high expert without even thinking about it, then think about trying out to be a sniper.

My advice so far:
Forget Green Berets
Forget Sniper
Forget Special Forces etc etc etc.

Pick a service and an MOS.
Looks like what you want to do is infantry. As for Army or Marines, that's your choice but if you like parachutes, the Marine Corps isn't the place for you. However, if you like the taste of sea water the Marine Corps is the place to go.

And remember that your cadet rank doesn't mean squat.

Good and realistic advise... you should listen to that, lad (always wanted to say this word- it rocks ;) )
ahh and the lovely stereotyping military man who obviously believes that it's impossible for somebody younger to know more about a subject that him, even if the younger person has close ties to the subject.

Spam all you like, I won't be checking back on these forums.

I'm just glad i'll be going into a proper military instead of whichever backwater country you come from.

:cens: NO! You dont come into a forum and start blasting away at whoever you want. You want to join the military? You better freaking learn some respect no matter how you feel you are treated. You are some 16 year old high school student who plays Call of Duty 4 talking down to a career military veteran who has served his time.

I will give you the fact that you seem to have some intelligence, but that is a far cry from wisdom, something you will need if you hope to survive on the battlefield.

You genuinely want suggestions? Fine, be respectful. End of Story.

If you want to know about combat infantry, leading from the front, what it takes for sniper school, whatever just listen to the people on this forum. Be respectful and respect will be shown to you.
Welcome back Spartacus. How are you these days?
It's alright, he's 16 so he's got the right to be a dumbass.
Reminds me of guys in paintball who say "I'M A SNIPER!!!" Really? With a weapon that's got the range of a handgun?
Welcome back Spartacus. How are you these days?
It's alright, he's 16 so he's got the right to be a dumbass.
Reminds me of guys in paintball who say "I'M A SNIPER!!!" Really? With a weapon that's got the range of a handgun?

It really wasnt that long ago I was like him too though...

Im good my friend. Perhap we can meet in the chat to avoid drastically taking this subject off topic?
Hey new to the forums and just got a quick question which has been on my mind for a while!

I'm only 16 at the moment and starting my A levels this year but they're mainly just for when I come out of the military. I'm in the ATC at the moment (Air training corps) at the rank of Sargeant and the military is all i've ever wanted to really do.

However, my goal is to enlist do, my training, 2-3 years service and try for specialisation in sniping. The question i'm asking is, which is the best corps for me to enter to achieve this or is there really no difference?

The choices i've looked at so far at
  • RAF Regiment Gunner
  • Army Infantry
  • Marines
  • Green Berets
Any advice or comments would be welcome!

I may only be a grubby colonial but I'm pretty sure you'll find that the Green Berets and the Royal Marines are the same thing, Royal Marine Commando is the term you are looking for.

As for goals of being a sniper etc, I think everyone wants to do that because they think it's the Gucci job, but once you join up you'll realise it's pretty damn hard just to do your normal job let alone anything highly specialised. Of what I know of the Brit military I guess your best options would be to follow the path of Light Infantry, or the Royal Marine Commandos if you hate yourself and want to hurt. Always. And grow up.


I should have read all the posts before posting up my advice.

I'm going to go straight to my OC and tell him that apparently I'm not supposed to be commanding troops in the field. I've been getting cold and wet and tired for nothing.
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Ok, listen I know it's not really my place to say this, and I mean absolutley no disrespect in doing so. I've read through the whole thread and as far as I can see it wasn't just Diz that failed to show respect. Respect is a two way street, it should be earned, not given. I also realise that this is not how it's done in the military, but as he is not enlisted in any military as of right now those circumstances do not apply to him. Granted he was being ignorant but thats no reason to call him "another young know it all prick." There are much nicer ways to correct someone, and they do not cause huge arguments like this one almost escalated into. Furthermore, as far as I saw, Diz did not, in any way shape or form, directly insult Redneck until after redneck had already done it to him twice.

I realise that the military is reknown for the extremely high ammount of respect they show each other, but many of the military men I have met dont show any whatsoever to civilians. The thing is civilians don't have to respect you after you make insulting and possibly hurtful comments to and/or about them, and most of the time, they wont. I myself believe that anyone who will fight and die for my country has already earned my respect 100 times over, but I dont think that it gives them the right to insult anyone else simply because they were given the wrong information from a third party.

Again I mean no disrespect to anyone on this thread but, quite honestly Redneck, all of this could have been avoided if you had simply refrained from insulting him and instead corrected him, citing sources to which he can not argue.

Anyway, I hope none of you (especially redneck) are angry at me for pointing this out. As I have read many posts on this forum I can see that you definitly know what your talking about, and are well respected amongst the other regulars on this forum. I'm sorry that our viewpoints on this particular matter fail to coincide and humbly request that you not hold it against me in the future.
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Giangreco001, you are quite correct, however when all is said and done this young man is going to try and join the military, for which he has my lasting admiration. However, should he get into the the services, he is going to find out that this is pretty much how he will be treated when he gets there and for a few years after that,... at least until he has gained some credibility.

It might seem rather harsh, but that is a fact of becoming a serviceman. This whole thing could be taken as a free learning experience that will perhaps save him a lot of grief when he starts the real thing. All that has happened here is that he has been given a flea in his ear for being naive and perhaps a little precocious. If this were to happen in the real world he may well attract the attention of persons who will make his life a lot worse than anything here.

Yes, youngsters are naive, Weren't we all?
Senojekips, while the validity of your statement can not be contested there are a few points I would like to make.

I to fail to show respect to people who dont warrant it from time to time and am currently aiming to join the US Navy. The thing is, when people talk down on me, without reason, and without the authority to do so, that is when I start to get angry. When I join the military I am, for all intents and purposes, giving them the authority to talk down on me. When you do this it doesnt anger you anywhere near as much as the previous example, mainly because you are telling them "go ahead take your best shot," and are, therefore, expecting it. However, when some random person on a forum with no authority over you (again no disrespect meant to you redneck, I am simply putting myself in Diz's shoes and trying to see the matter through his, not my own, perspective.) starts to insult you simply because you made a mistake it is a bit upsetting.

I know this to be true because I did attend a breif stint in a military school, by choice, and never once was disrespectful to my superiors. Unfortunatley I was forced to leave when my family moved :-(

To the mods: I am sorry for bringing this thread so far off its original topic and this will be my last post on it)
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I agree with your sentiments, but at the same time I wanted to point out that it was not all as bad as it may have appeared, and that there were lessons to be learnt from it.

I am also sure that although our discussion has wandered from the initial subject it is still relevant to the thread regarding following the right path.
No, you are absolutely right Giangreco. I've been pretty high strung lately and I've verbally abused some relatives pretty f*cking badly over the course of the past few days.
So some wise ass 16 year old telling me about how it is in the military obviously pissed me off.
You have to see how angry I get... and I don't even drink.

But yeah as for what I said, it is NOTHING compared to the crap I heard when I had my time in.
Simple concept.

If you come on the boards asking questions about a career you want to persue and a man that are in that/ have been in that field answer, I for one would listen.
IF I felt the question was not answered so I could understand it or that some information was missing I would:
1. Search for the information missing myself.(Since I want to show that I am serious about my committment)
2. Reask/Rephrase the question.
3. If the question still was not answered I would ask more questions about and around the subject so that I could draw my own conclusions.

But that´s just me.

KJ sends..