Bears and Religion II

Charge 7

Master Gunner
Missileer's joke reminded me of another one along those lines but different enough you might enjoy it too.

There was this devout backwoods preacher who had never hunted but had long been playfully teased about it by the male members of his congregation. Finally he decided to put an end to their jokes and went out and bought some hunting clothes, a rifle and a hunting license.

He had been out alone in the woods for quite awhile when he saw at last a huge bear on the path ahead. Not being an experienced hunter he was slow to take his aim, and before he could do so the bear was upon him. In desperation he loudly emplored the Lord to make the bear a Christian and he'd never attempt to harm another one of God's creatures again.

Suddenly the entire woods were filled with a warm bright light and angels could be heard singing in the distance while starlike splendor bathed the spot the preacher was in. When he recovered from his startlement at all this the preacher saw the bear meekly bowing his head to his paws in prayer before him. Just as the preacher was finally starting to feel at ease he hears the bear seems to be saying something, so he leans a little closer to hear what it's saying..

"Thank you Father, for the food which we are about to receive..."