Battalion Recon


Okay SNCO Who was awarded the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for the defense of a hill occupied by his Recon Team.
The Callsign of this Unit was Carnival Time

Name, Rank, and Bn?
03USMC said:

Okay SNCO Who was awarded the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for the defense of a hill occupied by his Recon Team.
The Callsign of this Unit was Carnival Time

Name, Rank, and Bn?

1st Bn, Gunny (Staff when on the hill), Jimmy gets beaten into you (and it was the subject of a paper on small unit ops in Vietnam, required reading)....what hill and what year?

Let me think where to go next, thinking the gulf.....the date the recon team entered Kuwait City...and what was the first building recovered?
I'm probably gonna blow this one.
But I think they used Pink panthers, the Combat all terrian dune buggies because of the threat of triple AAA. :oops:
03USMC said:
I'm probably gonna blow this one.
But I think they used Pink panthers, the Combat all terrian dune buggies because of the threat of triple AAA. :oops:

That and the beaches had a division sitting on it, so helicast was out of the question....