The Ballad of Sarah Palin


New Member
(Sung to the tune of Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier)

Raised in Alaska near the Bering Sea
The coldest state in the land of the free
Played in the woods so's she knew ev'ry tree
Kilt her a moose when she was only three
Sarah, Sarah Palin, queen of the wild frontier.

Fought as a mayor for what she stood for
The old governor got whipped when she took on more
And while she was fightin' the political war
She raised herself a family, no easy chore
Sarah, Sarah Palin, the mom who all can cheer.

She ran as the V.P. an served a spell
Fixin' up the Government with John was swell
Took over Washington, so I heard tell
And she broke the glass ceiling for others as well
Sarah, Sarah Palin, seeing her duty clear.