Sorry to disagree with Chief Bones, but James Cameron has proclaimed his movie to be, indeed, political. His stated message is anti-corporation, anti-world pollution, anti-military, and anti-climate change. Other than the Special Effects and 3-D I was kind of bored. I think that anybody who has read sci-fi for any length of time is very familiar with this recurring theme, not necessarily all bad.
“Try to look unimportant, because the bad guys may be low on ammo. (See how fast symbols of rank
and distinctive uniform accoutrements disappear in combat.)” MURPHY’s tenth law of combat
Well, people see what they want to see in movies...

This is why we call it art... Makes people feel and think...

But following the threadstarter... These messages are pretty true.

The corporations want to make money, they have no moral values.
They hold the presidents and ruling groups by the balls...
ANd the presidents give orders to the military...

So, corporations are bad, the presidents are corrupt, and the military are corrupt by extension...

And nature is good... Oh waw, this is how we use a lie to tell the truth. What an artist...

I would take a tank or a gunship over arrows anytime... But you have to understand one little thing...

The point of the movie, is the arrogance of mankind. They were destroying nature to exploit it's resources... And by doing this, they were destroying something so wonderful... A different kind of life. A planetary scale conscience... using a huge neural system...

And I could trace a parallel... Like US troops securing Iraqi oil administrations, while history museums are being pillaged...

Way to go... If they wanted to act like savages, they couldnt have done a better job.