Avatar Contest

No need to vote. I am the winner.

Yeah seriously. The Godfather is the winner. Those of you who aren't voting for him should really change your minds because I'm pretty sure by now he's running out of creative places to hide the bodies...:mrgreen:
You shouldn't do that Sevens... especailly with what I know about U!!!:-D

You are so mean to me!!!! :evil: But seriously, what do you REALLY know about me? :mrgreen: But okay fine. My other personality wants to vote for TI. His avatar is pretty cool. :jump:
I will offering you a protection by some of my fellow gangs that keeping CK's gang away only if you vote for me.
Aye-yi-yi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay fine!!!! TI can blackmail me to his little heart's content. I'm sticking with my vote for CK. LOL Now stop picking on me!!!! :D

Damn...!!! What does CK have on you? I thought I had the goods.. apparently not.
Damn...!!! What does CK have on you? I thought I had the goods.. apparently not.

*taps fingers on desk while glaring* All right listen here. YOU are the one that has "the goods" as you put it. :firedevi: But CK threatened to dump me in the East River. I'm not that great a swimmer and the cement accessories aren't going to help I'm sure. :dive: I hate my life, but I don't have a death wish. :mrgreen: Soooooooooo that being said...I still vote for CK. Besides...if you take away the whole East River thing, CK's a lot nicer to me then you are. :angel: