Australia to become Maritime Power - Rudd

If Australia wants to be a naval power they need to compete with India and China which are currently the most powerful in the area. Go with type 214 subs, newer(stealthy)frigates and corvettes, gunboats/missileboats, sizeable destroyer fleet, and at least 2 carriers or LHDs. You would need alot more of each type if wou want to be a force to be reckoned with. And on a different note why did they go with f-18fs instead of the typhoon or f-15e. Both would suit Australia's defense needs better because the typhoon /f-15e would perform better in combat against the j-11b/su-30mkk
Umm I think most people are overlooking one problem with Australia becoming a maritime power, it has neither the population nor economy to achieve this goal.

As for national defense navies are completely useless they are only good for maritime law enforcement and the projection of power, if you want to defend a island country build an air force.
Well with most other nations pursuing sukhois and integrating them into a modern force (Su-30MKI,J-11B,Su-30MKK/MK2) why did Australia go with the super hornet instead of a more capable aircraft. They could have gotten F-15E/SE to replace the F-111 and Typhoons, Gripens, or F-16s to replace the F/A-18A/B. The F-15 is a more modern alternative to the ardvark and has better WVR and BVR combat abilities as well as a lower RCS. The Typhoon, Gripen, and F-16 are more manouverable, have greater weapons payload, and greater range than the hornets. If they want they can do liscence production of the aircraft. They have better avionics and performance. Australia has and integrated battlefield network with AWACS, aerial refuelling, and C4ISTAR capabilities, they just need better fighters.
We went with the Super Hornet because we already have the GSE to support itand the conversion course is quicker and easier.
It suplements the older hornets we have.
Plus they all have upgraded avionics and pods to do whiz bang stuff so we arent that backward from everyone else.
The RAAFies have done a pretty good job of home grown upgrades on our aircraft and though we may lack numbers compared to our neighbours, our servicibility and training are far, far more ahead of them.
Okay, I always knew that australian training and logistics were much better, I was just wondering why they didn't go for the F-15, I mean they have the money and it would give them what they want. Long range with good A2A and A2G combat abilities.
Super Hornets I think are just as good and probably easier to maintain.
Again, the support and logistics comes into play as well. If you have two unrelated aircraft, the costs are obviously going to be much much higher.
Super Hornets I think are just as good and probably easier to maintain.
Again, the support and logistics comes into play as well. If you have two unrelated aircraft, the costs are obviously going to be much much higher.

Correct. I was talking to a senior RAAF officer (2 Star) not long ago, and those in the know are quite happy with the choices that have been made. Eventually, the Classic Hornets will retire, or become Lead-In-Fighter trainers for the F35 drivers, and the Rhinos will possibly stay on as "Day Two" bomb trucks with F35's flying CAP.