Arrows this way and that!

^is nuts. (sorry pal, no acrophobia here) :)
<loved climbing trees
Vcan't wait for hunting season to open (six more days!)
^ I was about to but not.
< about to play "Battlefield: Modern Combat" on PS2.
V like to play Battlefield too.
^darn skippy
<got the same dang problem with my installation of bf1942
Vhas tried to get a chick to go hunting.
^ is right.
< got stuck mission on Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
V has played Battlefield before.
^ is kinda right
< needs to get a birthday card for my mom
V have to get something in this week.
^ is right. lol
< think Notre Dame Fightin' Irish should win the National Champion.
V think that too. lol
^ WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
< Wants the Irish to win. :D
V is a fan of U of Texas.